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ents 24


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Hey people, im doing an essay for uni and constructing a business plan proposal. I was wondering what peoples opinions are on the website ents24.com, whats good about it, how it could be improved. Do people find it useful for finding out about gigs etc?

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Ents... like, the tree dudes from Lord of the Rings?


Well, the site seems personally functional, works for what it's setting out to do, I ran a quick test with a band name in the search bar and got everything I'd need.


Who's website is it, yours? (As advertising is not really allowed here) Are you looking for feedback on the construction of the site itself (design/coding etc) or how well the site works as a business?

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do you think you would use it mostly for looking for gigs or looking at cinema listings, clubs etc?


Also, i had a similar idea for my essay/website, mine would be solely on music and would have a facebook kind of feature where users could upload their photos of the gigs they'd been to. That way if you forgot your camera you could still find photos of the gig. What do people think of this idea?

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