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After watching part of the London Marathon yesterday morning whilst at work I've been inspired to do something which requires a great level of fitness, maybe not a marathon but something along those lines which will also raise loads of money for a charity.


Being laid of with injury for the best part of 2 months I was skiing all last week and although that requires a lot of fitness which I didn't have (my thighs hurt like hell after the first day whereas its usually towards the end of the week they started hurting) I really haven't had any excersize at all. I went out for a run today and was absolultely knackered half way into it, only managed about 2.5 miles which is rather poor considering this time a few months ago I could manage double that, if not more and still be fine by the end of it.


I was actually meant to be doing a local 10k at the end of April but with my injury I haven't been able to train for it and there's no way I'll be able to get fit enough within 2 weeks to do that. I've made a provisional 18 week training schedule, getting inspiration from a few websites whilst doing so.


If you really want to (who wouldn't?) you can keep track of my progress over the next few months here.



And to turn this into a proper discussion rather than me rambling on.... Have you guys been inspired to do anything after seeing a television programme, reading an article in the paper or just want to do something for the hell of it? What is it you've been inspired to do and more importantly, are you actually going to do it?

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You see, I always feel inspired but never enough to change my life enough to make it a proper change. I exercise like people who diet. I do it for stints occasionally and then I fold. But then again, I think that my personality is more of the problem there.


Kudo though Charlie, good on you for making a point to put in the effort.

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Well its kind of good that you felt the burn after one day, meant you was actually doing some work!!!


But if you was knackered and felt lethargic, then you probably tired then. Looked like you had fun though. I still reckon Val d'Isere is better ;)


I want to do a marathon one day, but not at the moment. Too much going on =[ I really should get fitter. I'm not out of shape but I'm not fit really =/

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But if you was knackered and felt lethargic, then you probably tired then. Looked like you had fun though. I still reckon Val d'Isere is better ;)


Haha, I actually spent quite a lot of time in Val d'Isere. We got the Espace Killy lift pass so could go to both parts. Some nice runs over there, but my favourite was in Tignes. If you go up the Lanches lift there's an amazing (but shit-scary) off-piste run which was just so much fun. One part there's about a 20 ft drop to one side and rocks the other side so you have to go just slide down a bit until you can get the right angle to go straight down the wee ledge part. The rest was powder, rocks and mogules. Awesome. We got loads of videos but it doesn't look that impressive as you can't see the incline of the slope or anything.

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Did you go down to breviere? (can't remember the exact spelling). That place is amazing, expensive but still amazing!


Also did you see the eye of the needle? I love that bit, I skied through it a few years back and it was great to.


I think fornet is my favourite run because of the schusse at the end, its so good.

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Did you go down to breviere? (can't remember the exact spelling). That place is amazing, expensive but still amazing!


Also did you see the eye of the needle? I love that bit, I skied through it a few years back and it was great to.


I think fornet is my favourite run because of the schusse at the end, its so good.


Yeah, we did . Went through to the other side and did that black run in whiteout conditions. Would've been really good if we could see.


Also went down to Breviere that same day in the whiteout. Sache is a horrible, horrible run. That part where its really thin and the middle bit has loads of mogules is baaad.


Don't remember doing fornet, but do remember schussing loads at some runs. Can't believe you use that word too... Or is it some really common skiing word?

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Yeah, we did . Went through to the other side and did that black run in whiteout conditions. Would've been really good if we could see.


Also went down to Breviere that same day in the whiteout. Sache is a horrible, horrible run. That part where its really thin and the middle bit has loads of mogules is baaad.


Don't remember doing fornet, but do remember schussing loads at some runs. Can't believe you use that word too... Or is it some really common skiing word?


Jesus look at the snow! Even more than when I was out there :|


Its a pretty common word I think, usually people spell it differently because no-one knows how to properly spell it I think :p I love it when you're going so fast and you whizz right past people, makes me feel good :p


Doing le Fas as tthe last run of the day is the worst. The light is ikky, and the amount of bumps, the whole piste ends up being: no snow, big bump, no snow, big bump, no snow... >_< after doing a whole day skiing it kills your legs, good when you get down it though as always made me feel as though I've accomplished something :D

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What kind of distances are you running at the moment?


I only run between the computer, the toilet and the fridge.


I was doing 5k+ (not sure the exact distance) every wednesday. But I haven't done it since we broke up. I was also playing football after the run but that has also stopped. I'll have to get back into the routine.

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Do you know anyone who has run a marathon before? If you don't then I seriously suggest you find one or hit the Runners World website.


My old primary school teacher has run one.


Don't get me wrong I'm not just going to jump straight into it. I could probably do 5 miles quite easily. I would do different races in increasing size.


Besides I could do 26 miles quite easily tomorrow. I did a 26 mile walk in 8 hours not too long ago. My goal would be to do it in under 4 hours. Which would require a lot of training.

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I think that's setting your site a little high for your first one Moogle. Not trying to patronise you or anything but it is unlike any other run. You feel and experience things that you just can't possibly imagine by trying extrapolate the feeling of something shorter.


Seriously, finishing it and running all the way is bar far a mammoth achievement in it's own right.

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I think that's setting your site a little high for your first one Moogle. Not trying to patronise you or anything but it is unlike any other run. You feel and experience things that you just can't possibly imagine by trying extrapolate the feeling of something shorter.


Seriously, finishing it and running all the way is bar far a mammoth achievement in it's own right.


I won't do the marathon run for my first. I would do shorter ones and work my way up.

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