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It's been doing this for a while now. It sounds like its coming from where the harddrive is. It doesn't always happen but when it does it's really noticeable. Its a small noise which I can't really describe. I wouldn't go as far as saying its a grinding noise but its like a small constant clicking.


Any idea what this could be and how I could fix it?


Hdd is likely stopping and starting. I dunno if its terminal, but it doesn't sound healthy >_< Backup your stuff just incase!


This happened to me a while ago, but I had four hard drives and trying to access data from all 4 at once, and my hdd's are all still functioning fine.


Does your pc crash/slow down when it happens?


Like everyone's said so far, back all your shit up just in case, if it doesn't fail, so what.. if it does, you'll be glad you backed up


Buy an external HDD.


Thanks, hope it doesn't kick it any time in the next 2 months as I really need my laptop for uni and getting repaired will take ages...




*backs up*


Getting it repaired wouldn't be a complicated matter really, if it's a recent SATA drive, this is easy and requires purchasing nothing, simply unscrew the drive, slam it in your PC, and use an imaging program like Ghost to make a copy of the entire drive in an image file.


When the drive fails.. get yourself a new laptop drive, restore the backup to the drive, slam it back in

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