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Have you ever been wedged between a barrier?

Coolness Bears

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I've seen the first story happen to someone and they got hurt pretty badly because they fell awkwardly, but they were too scared to get off not because someone pushed them back on.


And the second I have seen my sister do when we shared a T-bar once, she went straight into a wall of snow, but luckily not too hard, was funny as it fell on top of her :p Those T-bars are so annoying.


You go skiing often? ^_^


Yeah those things are lethal. They are worse on a snowboard.


I've only been skiing a few times but my parents have bought (which I own 10% of :D) a skii apartment in Bulgaria. It was built in November but there is a problewm with the electricity. They said it was something to do with Beaurocracy but we think it's something to do with the mafia. ;)

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I was once wedged between a barrier when I was about 8. I was having a wee and quickly zipped my fly up to get back outside...when I suddenly got a horrific burning sensation in my wee shooter. I started screaming and my mom came rushing through and had to "release" me from my fly.


Incredibly embarrassing, even to this day.

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