Zero Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I'm really tempted to become a healer just to be annoying. But christ knows I need a better server than auchindoun, bloody server is dead when it comes to decent guilds. It wouldn't be annoying, it would be awesome. As ShadowV7 said they are rather rare. @ Shadowv7 - It's healers and tanks that are hard to come by on my realm. Doesn't help that I'm a dps warrior but there are loads of warriors, most of which are either dps or prot, and very few tanks. Same with healers. People really don't want to be healbots for dungeons and raids cause it's boring. Problem I have when I get a group for an instance is that I take aggro on mobs even if I let the tank go in for about 30 secs before I go in and it's because of my attack power being so high. Pisses them off a lot so hard to keep them in the group. I'm a Tank just now so, that is half the battle but, the thing that annoys me is when you ask a Balance Druid or an Elemental Shaman to heal for a group quest they tell you they can't heal because of their spec. They have more than enough mana for the job. I'm a feral druid and I managed to heal in a group quest. I mean it's not Black Temple i'm asking them to heal in, just a group quest. And i agree that it's hard to keep agro off a dps Warrior but, it's a lot easier than keeping agro of a Ret Paladin before they had there burst damage nerfed. It doesn't help when they always attack a different mob than the one you are putting all the agro on I don't usually rant so much but this lack of healer buisness annoys me :p What is your attack power, just out of curiosity? I'm leveling a priest atm, I'm spec'd as shadow, but I get no end of people asking me to heal. I'm seriously considering re-specing to holy. The only problem is I don't have any healing gear. I may spec healing and charge people 20g for the service You would make an absolute fortune.
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I'm really tempted to become a healer just to be annoying. But christ knows I need a better server than auchindoun, bloody server is dead when it comes to decent guilds. It wouldn't be annoying. Make a healer, join the server Zero and I are on and get to level 73. Now
nightwolf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Which server damnit ^_^? a priest is a healer no?
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Which server damnit ^_^? a priest is a healer no? I'm on Ahn'Qiraj with Zero. If you do end up making one, I could always get back on my Shaman or just use Rogue to make quests faster. Though i'm on a PVP server
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Yeah, forgot to mention that. Also for some reason, I can't get on MSN or back on WoW, I can only see N-E and post for some reason. It's like im DCed, but not.
Zero Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 We'll call it a night then because, I feel like crap just now :p
Tellyn Posted November 24, 2008 Author Posted November 24, 2008 Played with MadDog and a couple of friends tonight and went through the Dead Mines. MadDog is shite at protecting me, I got killed about 5 times and had to trek back from the graveyard before eventually finishing it.
nightwolf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Well I'm alliance now, but I'll be happy to play on horde with you guys. Let me know when you two are up for playing again (usually a pm on here or facebook would be best) and I'll create a priest.
Zero Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Well I'm alliance now, but I'll be happy to play on horde with you guys. Let me know when you two are up for playing again (usually a pm on here or facebook would be best) and I'll create a priest. Just remember you can't have Alliance and Horde characters on the same realm.
nightwolf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Just remember you can't have Alliance and Horde characters on the same realm. I don't particularly enjoy playing on auchindoun, shame really as my two mates play on it, plus my first and only character is on it. Wish I'd joined azune.
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Well I'm alliance now, but I'll be happy to play on horde with you guys. Let me know when you two are up for playing again (usually a pm on here or facebook would be best) and I'll create a priest. We're normally on a lot anyway, so chances are when you go on, we will be too. And I finish Uni on Monday anyway With one of us you'll level pretty fast. If we tried with quests and instances, we could get you up a fair amount of levels in one session. If you go to our server, i'm sure we can help you out/quest with you.
nightwolf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 We're normally on a lot anyway, so chances are when you go on, we will be too. And I finish Uni on Monday anyway With one of us you'll level pretty fast. If we tried with quests and instances, we could get you up a fair amount of levels in one session. If you go to our server, i'm sure we can help you out/quest with you. I'll more than likely get bored and make a priest in abit and get a few quick levels, it'll be weird going to horde again! I can't get my character onto your realm which is annoying..
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I think I can get in yours, cause I can see it in the realm list. Your in PVP, right? Just join us if/when you make a priest. EDIT- Just made a Paladin in your server for lols. What's you characters name? Also if you make a priest, you can play with me and Zero on our server, and with your other friends on Auchindoun.
nightwolf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I think I can get in yours, cause I can see it in the realm list. Your in PVP, right? Just join us if/when you make a priest. EDIT- Just made a Paladin in your server for lols. What's you characters name? Icedtears in achindoun, haha. I'd more than likely join you now, but you aren't playing. Can I have your game names though?
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Icedtears in achindoun, haha. I'd more than likely join you now, but you aren't playing. Can I have your game names though? I'll add you just now on my new Paladin. 400 exp to level and no money, feels so insulting On Ahn'Qiraj i'm Zeraphin a Rogue, and Zero is Starkhoof a druid. I'm still on just now anyway so I could meet you if you wanted for a little bit.
BeerMonkey Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 been very tempted lately to get back into this.....only problem thou is that my laptop cant run it so would have to get a new pc gah. played it for a bit down a mates the other day the new stuff i saw was awesome
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 That's why the Burning Crusade is good. Blood Elves = awesomeness. But I somewhat agree with you thought
nightwolf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 haha I'm not sure what to make but it doesn't matter. Just need a name..hmm.
nightwolf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Icedtears again? Nah, I has inaess? I did add you but you werent online
ShadowV7 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I'm just fooling about on another character, i'll go on my main just now then.
Haver Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 Blizz need to move that arena start date forward. I wouldn't mind if the new BG and PVP area were any good but they're a pile of shit. If I wanted to play with one-button shooting from turrets and riding vehicles around I'd play Xbox. And no one is pugging heroics. And no one in my guild is remotely close to being ready. The only people having fun on our server are the three or four big guilds. Also, I love this: they put arena requirements on honour gear to prevent skill-less players from getting weaps for PVE and then make honour grinders play in such a way that means they never fight hand-to-hand with their skills.
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