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A majority has been reached!


Day 11 is now over


The dinosaur was just so annoying! All it did was dance relentlessly. Not many townspeople were needed to decide that he had to die.


LazyBoy is dead. He was the Dancing Dinosaur, a neutral who wasn't interested in anything but dancing.


There are 8 players remaining (5 is a majority)


Coolness Bears








Night 11 begins now

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Night 11 is now over


A man drove down the street in a flash sports car. He was driving ridiculously fast, and he thought he was cool for doing it. It wasn't so cool when he crashed into a wall.


However, he managed to jump out the car door before he crashed, and landed unhurt outside the house of the man he was going to kill.


He pulled out a gun, and went into the house. The sound of three gunshots resounded through the neighbourhood.


Maase is dead. He was Kyle Hyde, the investigator from Hotel Dusk.




Elsewhere, a woman slept. She dreamt of the time she'd have rule over the town. She was so close to being able to overpower them all, she'd just bide her time and wait for a few more deaths.


Freddy Kreuger enjoyed killing her. She put up quite a good fight.

Ellmeister is dead. He was Sarah Kerrigan, the evil winged woman who had taken to using her psychic powers to get her way. Unfortunately, she died a few nights before she could overpower the town.


There are 6 players remaining (4 is a majority)


Coolness Bears







Day 12 begins now


The mafia surrounded the remaining townspeople.


"Let's make this perfectly clear. I own this town." said Jeremy Clarkson, to the bemused Amelie and Haruhi Suzumiya.


He signalled to his fellow mafia men, and the two women were shot dead.


Eenuh is dead. She was Amelie Poulain, the eccentric French woman who had a selection of random powers.


Coolness Bears is dead. He was Haruhi Suzumiya, the reality shifting anime-girl, who didn't really get to shift much reality.


Congratulations - the mafia has won!!!

Gizmo - Jeremy Clarkson, leader of the mafia.

Mundi - Vlad The Impaler, the resident torturer.

Zell - Freddy Kreuger, the mafia hitman, who killed people in their sleep.




Hellfire - Jango Fett, the opportunist scumbag and bounty hunter.


Hope everyone enjoyed the game!




Big Jezza Clarkson, evil incarnate. Ruler over Hitler, Hannibal Lector and Freddy Kreuger bitches.


Even after a horendously unlucky start things smoothed out the last few days and we snuck up from behind and took the win.


Oh yeah.

  chairdriver said:
How the fuck did Mundi survive yet again?


I don't actually understand.



It actually said in the write-up he was evil.


I have to say I was quite surprised too lol


I'm more mad at Mundi surviving again than anything else. The mafia was practically dead!


And one thing I didn't get this last day, Lazyboy didn't got the majority, what happened?


Mundi couldn't be killed on the last day, because the required majority was too high for the townies to reach. The three mafia members + hellfire wouldn't vote him off, lazyboy didn't have a vote, meaning the 4 townies had no chance of killing him.


Btw chair, what was the "bad stuff" that would happen if Coolness was killed?


The Mafia

You are the mafia, and you will not rest until you control the whole town!


You may communicate with each other outside the game thread. (I would advise you to set up a message board or something, since your mafia is quite large)


Gizmo - Jeremy Clarkson

Zell - Freddy Kreuger

Oxigen_waste - Hannibal Lector

Mundi - Vlad the Impaler

McMad - Hitler

MadDog91UK - Plankton

darksnowman - T-1000

Chuck - Cerberus

Nintendohnut - Voldemort



Jeremy Clarkson

You are Jeremy Clarkson, evil incarnate and leader of the mafia.


Every night, you may organise a kill. You can choose to send yourself or another member to kill another player. You must PM me with the target and who will be the hitman. If you send another member of the mafia, they will not be able to use their night power.


Using your "charm" people beleive you are a man to trust. If investigated, you will appear innocent. However, once you chose to kill someone yourself, there is a chance you will turn up as evil.


Freddy Kreuger

You are Freddy Kreuger, the nightmare from Elm Street, a supernatural killer that kills those that are asleep.


Every night, you may target another player. If they are asleep (ie. are not carrying out an action at night), you will kill them. This kill is in addition to the normal mafia kill.


Hannibal Lector

You are Hannibal Lector, the cannibal killer.


Every night, you may choose to eat a dead body (ie. target someone who is already dead). You will eat this body, and prevent anyone from doing an autopsy on it.


Also, you may target the same player that the mafia is going to kill the same night. If that player is killed, you will eat the body before the town can see who the character was. You will learn the identity of the person you ate, but the town will not.


Vlad The Impaler

You are the Vlad the Impaler, the evil count reknowned for his extremely harsh punishments, who also gave rise to the Dracula myth.


Every night, you may torture another player. This player might be prevented from carrying out their night action, and you might be able to learn some information from them.



You are Adolf Hitler, argueably the most evil man to have ever lived, but in this case you lost out to Jeremy Clarkson.


Because of your charisma, your vote will be worth double that of everyone else.


Once during the game during the day phase, you may post "Take them to the gas chambers!" (in bold). The posters of the 3 previous posts will be killed (If a person posts 3 posts in a row, only they will die). However, there is a chance 1 will escape death. The day phase will then continue.


You are Plankton, the evil shrimp with big plans.


You may capture a player and hold them hostage. You may target 2 different players. You will capture the first player, and send a ransom note to the second.


Because of your tiny size, you won't be able to stop the hostage from taking night actions as usual, but you will be able to kill them if the ransom demand isn't met in time.


You may demand one of three things in exchange for the hostage's life.


1) The second player's power.

2) The vote of the second player (they will be forced to vote the way you want them to vote)

3) The use of the second player's powers during the next night.


If the demand is not met after three days, the hostage will be killed. You cannot detain more than one hostage at once.


You are T-1000, the upgrade of the Terminator. You are a shape shifter and impervious to harm.


You cannot be night-killed.


Every night, you may choose to target another player. You will shape-shift into this player, and there is a chance anyone that targets you will target that player instead, and anyone that targets that player will target you instead.



You are Cerberus, the three headed dog guardian of Hades.


You may protect another player from death. You must PM me with the player you wish to protect.



You are the Dark Lord, Voldemort. You are the evil dark Wizard and arch-enemy of Harry Potter.


If someone types the word "Voldemort", you will see who they target the following night.


Also, you have one remaining horcrux. (You essentially have two lives.)




You are evil. You win when the mafia dominates the town.

  Gizmo said:
Mundi couldn't be killed on the last day, because the required majority was too high for the townies to reach. The three mafia members + hellfire wouldn't vote him off, lazyboy didn't have a vote, meaning the 4 townies had no chance of killing him.


Btw chair, what was the "bad stuff" that would happen if Coolness was killed?


There would be no lynch during the next day phase, then everyone's targets would be randomized on the next night, then the day phase after that the person person to be voted for would be killed.


I'm pretty disappointed you didn't kill her, it would have been great fun!


Oh thats another thing. I'm so surprised nobody picked up on me being evil after admitting Cerebus was my dog. I thought it was obvious from what I googled that Cerebus was evil, yet I just brushed it off and nobody made anything of it.


  chairdriver said:
There would be no lynch during the next day phase, then everyone's targets would be randomized on the next night, then the day phase after that the person person to be voted for would be killed.


I'm pretty disappointed you didn't kill her, it would have been great fun!


For you maybe :p


We very nearly did a few times, but we were scared of the "bad stuff" so we steered well clear :p


Eenuh survived for the same reasons really, the randomness of the targets meant it was risky to try anything.


Hey Chairdriver what the fuck, that was like the most boring game in the world for me. What did I do to you? Couldn't vote, couldn't die and could be lynched with a quarter vote.


I want to be awesome next time.

  Gizmo said:
Oh thats another thing. I'm so surprised nobody picked up on me being evil after admitting Cerebus was my dog. I thought it was obvious from what I googled that Cerebus was evil, yet I just brushed it off and nobody made anything of it.




For you maybe :p


We very nearly did a few times, but we were scared of the "bad stuff" so we steered well clear :p


Eenuh survived for the same reasons really, the randomness of the targets meant it was risky to try anything.


I was far more suspicious of you for defending Mundi.





You are the god-like chairdriver, the mod of this game who has power over who lives and who dies.


At the end of each day phase, you will decide who gets lynched. You may choose between anyone who has been voted to be lynched during that day phase. This player will be killed instead of the player that received the most votes.


If the town decides on a no-lynch, you have the choice to kill anyone you desire.


If you wish to choose who dies, you must PM me around the time a majority is reached. If you take too long to PM me, the lynch will go ahead as usual.



You know the strengths and weaknesses of other players. There is a chance you will survive a lethal attack.


Also, you are gay. You cannot be seduced by any women.


You are neutral. You win when 5 or less players survive.

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Didn't you pick your own character though?


In that train of thought, what was everyones choices, and did the choice you got end up with the power that you were expecting?


I was expecting to be some sort of investigator as Jeremy Clarkson, or have a double vote due to "charm" or something. But no. Leader of the mafia :yay:


Other choices were Michael Scofield (from Prison Break, wasn't sure what power I'd get with that but something awesome) and Yagami Light (Death Note, was thinking a power along the lines of being able to kill someone when you know their characters name).


  Shino said:
I was far more suspicious of you for defending Mundi.


Why do you think I went quiet soon after? :p

  chairdriver said:


You are The Dancing Dinosaur, who is just there to annoy people.


You cannot be night-killed.


Because you are a dinosaur, and are only interested in dancing, you cannot vote. (If you violate this rule you will be modkilled)


It will take only a 1/4 majority vote to lynch you, since you are so annoying.


You are neutral. You win when someone else wins.


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You are Max Payne, bullet-dodging detective and anti-mafia man.


On every third night, you may kill another player.


On every other night, you may investigate another player.


There is a chance that you bullet-time will save you from the effects of another player's power.


You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been destroyed.




Coolness Bears

You are Haruhi Suzumiya, the reality shifting anime girl.


Every night, you may target another player. This player's target will be randomized.


Once per game, during the day phase, you may PM me. Reality will be warped during the next night phase. Everyone in the game will receive a random power for that night.


Also, when you die, there is a chance bad things will happen...


You are good. You win when all threats to the town are destroyed.





You are Wash, the pilot of Serenity.


Every night, you may escort another player. This player will be immune from being roleblocked or misdirected during that night.


Also, you can save another player from being lynched. Before a majority is reached, you may PM me with the name of the player you wish to save. All votes attached to that player will be cancelled.


You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been destroyed.




You are Shadowcat, aka Kitty Pryde, the phasing mutant and member of the X-Men.


You are too young to afford a house, and at night it gets awfully cold. Every night, you MUST PM me with the name of a player.


You will hide in the house of that player. There is a chance you will learn something about the player. Also, you will protect that player from being killed if they are the target of a lethal attack.


Beware, if you hide in the house of an evil person, there is a chance you won't see the morning...


Also, I wouldn't hide in the same house too often. The occupant might get a tad annoyed...



You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been destroyed.



You are Amélie, the eccentric French woman.


Every night, you will receive a random power.


I will PM you with details of your power at the start of the night.


To speed things up, I will give you your power for the first night now:


You can play a practical joke on another player. This player will be prevented from using their night power.



You are good. You win when all threats to the town are destroyed.




You are Exile, the dog with special eyes.


Every night, you may freeze another player in their tracks.


They will be prevented from using their night power.


You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been destroyed.



You are Hermione Granger, know-it-all witch and best friend of Harry Potter.


Every night, you may use 1 of 3 powers:


1) You may investigate another player.


2) You may roleblock another player.


3) You may protect another player.



Also, you hold the locket of Slytherin. This brings bad luck...


You are good. You win when all threats to the town are destroyed.


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Actually I was expecting that my power would be something like Sylar, but since he was in the game and I had a lot of fun with my power, I'm happy with chairdriver's choice.



You are the TETRIS blocks.


Every night, you may block-in another player. They will be protected from death, but also prevented from doing anything that night.


Also, because you are a pile of blocks, you cannot speak. You have to take the time to arrange yourself in the shape of letters.


You may only post 1 letter per post, and it must be a capital letter. (You may include the word "filler" to avoid the 10 character limit). You may not use smilies, but you can quote.


You may vote as usual.


You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been destroyed.


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