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Why i have been away!... Making a website!


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Hello there! Phew it is good to be back here at last!


The other week i bought an iMac, and through the miracle of iWeb started to create my own website... what is it about? well games of course... well Nintendo and Warcraft i suppose!


Right then i have three things to ask:


Firstly, has anyone got any advice for making a website in general?

Secondly please have a look at my site: web.mac.com/lordillingworth or the full URL: http://web.mac.com/lordillingworth/Nintendo_Clubhouse/Welcome.html

Finally, now you have seen it what do you think?


It is still in it's early days at the minute, so not all the pages are finished, if you have any suggestions or ideas then please don't hesitate to shout them at me!


Also i can't help but feel that a lot of people will think it is rubbish, so don't hold back if it is the worst site you have ever seen!


One final question, is there a better way to make a few coins here and there than using google adsense? When you get paid by the click obviously it is a very low income because lets face it... how often do you click on google adverts?


I would love to here what you have to say, especially as this is the only forum i really hang around in!


Let me know what you think, thanks, dan.

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For the game of the month area make a comments section so readers can leave their own opinions of what you wrote/what they think should be game of the month. Same with the thought of the day. Also, clear up the warcraft page, looks a mess. (I know you said something about hordes, but who cares?)


But other than that, looks great!

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For the game of the month area make a comments section so readers can leave their own opinions of what you wrote/what they think should be game of the month. Same with the thought of the day. Also, clear up the warcraft page, looks a mess. (I know you said something about hordes, but who cares?)


But other than that, looks great!


Yes that is just my excuse as i am still setting it up and wanted to throw in another page that i didn't have time to make!!! lol




Learn to do HTML and CSS properly, iWeb is for gays.


Oh and no one is going to pay to advertise on a site like that, you spaz. Not being harsh, just realistic.


lol i know, the site has only existed for about two weeks and i have never done anything like this before so i am just trying to get some sort of frame of a site up so i can see what i can realistically create! lol if i had something to advertise i don't think i would advertise on my site in it's current form! But who knows one day it might become a website that requires knowledge and skill to create rather than an iWeb template!... probably not though!


This is more suited for creative board, so moving it there.


Yes, well spotted, i am an idiot!

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It would be nice if you removed some of the exclamation marks on the links at the top.


Another thing that that has been getting on my nerves is that you never use a capital 'I' in I.


Also, the Google ad at the bottom of the Though of the day is blocking the preview of "Calm Down Dear".


Also, the quality of you Though of the Day is quite variable, but mainly the earlier ones. I do have to say, I like your style of writing and will probably stick with the site!


I'll say it again, you need a comments section.

Perhaps as your daily thoughts increase in number you will need to add a search function. Best to do it early on.


EDIT: Also, capital letter in the 't' in "thanks for reading".


EDIT2: Also, the warcraft (not that I like it...) page is a bit ad heavy.

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Learn to do HTML and CSS properly, iWeb is for gays.


Oh and no one is going to pay to advertise on a site like that, you spaz. Not being harsh, just realistic.


No its not, iWeb is a user friendly environment for making simple web sites and blogs. Perfect for something like this.


Yes you are being harsh, he already has advertisements on his site. You should get another infraction for that post.


Hello there! Phew it is good to be back here at last!


The other week i bought an iMac, and through the miracle of iWeb started to create my own website... what is it about? well games of course... well Nintendo and Warcraft i suppose!


Right then i have three things to ask:


Firstly, has anyone got any advice for making a website in general?

Secondly please have a look at my site: web.mac.com/lordillingworth or the full URL: http://web.mac.com/lordillingworth/Nintendo_Clubhouse/Welcome.html

Finally, now you have seen it what do you think?


It is still in it's early days at the minute, so not all the pages are finished, if you have any suggestions or ideas then please don't hesitate to shout them at me!


Also i can't help but feel that a lot of people will think it is rubbish, so don't hold back if it is the worst site you have ever seen!


One final question, is there a better way to make a few coins here and there than using google adsense? When you get paid by the click obviously it is a very low income because lets face it... how often do you click on google adverts?


I would love to here what you have to say, especially as this is the only forum i really hang around in!


Let me know what you think, thanks, dan.



Wow you used the same template I did my site using iWeb, though I've moved on to Adobe's dreamweaver now.


You should add a forum to your website. You can make a free one with xsorbit.

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