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Who's going to a GAME Mario Galaxy Launch Event?


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Oh my God... I went to the Oxford St. one with 2 friends, one of whom dressed as a chain chomp. After loads of interviews (ONM, TV etc.) it was announced he'd won the Wii! Even before this Charles Martinez came over and chatted to us. He's even getting the Wii signed. Pics (some with me in) will be on the web. Unreal...


Hahahaha, I was sposed to go up london with a mate but fixed my internet and had to get it all working then decided not to bother. I rang my mate yesterday to see how it was, and he told me about that, he was well dissappointed with the chain chomp costume though, said it was shit and basically just bin bags, was it really?


EDIT:Scratch that, just seen the pic and it's better than I expected.

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