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Washing Clothes!


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I've never split my whites from my colours personally. None of my clothes melt into each other! All t-shirts end up either looking old and worn-in, or just ignored and discarded. Since I've been to uni (which is probably close to two months now, folks!) I've washed my clothes precisely ONCE! Wahey! Two liquitabs, seeing as they were left for so long to fester... ahem...


Yeah, I've been a skank. But to be honest, washing machines are far too complicated for what they are.

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There are some little towels that you can put in the washing machine that absorve ink, so that you can mix different colors. Really useful. Use them all the time.

Loads of times, I just pile up, take it home and my mom washes it, depending on the time I stay here in Lisbon.

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