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Bloody hell, never thought this many people would give a crap, thanks to ye all.


How will you afford to live? And will you be paying for these lessons?


Well firstly i'm going to an area of China that is extremely cheap. Let me give you an example. My Dad pays over a grand a month for his 2 bedroom flat in Reigate (Surrey is pricey I grant you). At the moment i'm looking at a two bedroom that i'll be staying in over there for less than £50 a month. I've saved up plenty of money so I should be good.


And even though i'll try to repay him somehow (teaching english was mentioned) he actually doesn't want to charge me.


Good luck, dude. Is it hot where you're going?


Ha I wish. I'm actually half way up a mountain (Shimen mountain, some might recognise it for its historical significance), and its snow covered from late october to march. So plenty of hoodies will be taken.


I'll be sure to take some photos to post here when I get back.


Bloody hell, this has got to be one of the most exciting and interesting things I've ever heard of anyone doing with their life. Beats the crap out of my "get a job in some retail place and then bum around a bit until I find something involving rocks" plan. Touché. But how are you going to cope without lazyboy chairs and such luxuries, unless your name is pure irony.

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