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Nintendos 5th Sept Press Conference


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I'm not sure if this is usual Nintendo behaviour but they do seem to be keeping everything quite close to there chest. We rarely hear about games in the works until there nearly ready to launch, or if we do, we know a name for ages. Some screen shots and hands on, then launch less than a month later.

Yeah they were always like this, always making us suffer. At least we get a SSBB update every day.

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This might explain it, excert from an inteview with Iwata. Taken just after E3 this year.


Now, if we didn't feel that we had gained a lot of popular momentum and with success that it's shown so far, we might have tried to get out a little more information and do an upcoming products, again, just to build some excitement, but since we do have that momentum right now, we chose not to do so. After all, if we show too much now, too early, when those products are actually ready to come out, they won't seem very fresh if we just re-announce them later on. You have probably noticed this trend too, but I believe that the patterns in the past, you were able to announce things much earlier and have this gradual buildup, but I think that there's a desensitization and people aren't as patient with that information, to the span over which you can feed them information. It gets shorter and shorter.


Cite : Level Up Iwata Interview

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Nintendo are running out of time to tell us about next year. Is there any more events this year? What happened to their specific Smash bros event?

Why arent Nintendo teasing us with future products? I dont understand!


It seems that Wii Fit, Battalion Wars II and Mario Kart will be the big early next year releases. Including Brawl for Europe of course.


I agree though, it would be nice to hear what we've got coming after that!


I doubt we'll hear about Disaster or anything else until early next year though, thats my guess. Nintendo won't be showing anything now, because they need to hype Mario Galaxy.

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Iwata mentioned recently that Nintendo won't be mentioning/announcing games way before the release dates as they used to. I'd imagine they'd still have their usual mini-conference just after christmas to hype wii fit, mariokart and also announce a couple of Q2 08 releases.

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Iwata mentioned recently that Nintendo won't be mentioning/announcing games way before the release dates as they used to. I'd imagine they'd still have their usual mini-conference just after christmas to hype wii fit, mariokart and also announce a couple of Q2 08 releases.


I await the day when Nintendo have a press conference and Iwata says:


"And here's a new game: A brand new Zelda adventure for the Wii"


*talks about it, videos with gameplay footage*


"And you can buy it from our online store right.......now!"

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