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Sony Vaio Laptops.


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Why are you ignoring the price? From my experience Sony's have the worst price to performance ratio in the industry.


Maybe if you spent more than 2 minutes researching you would realise that no one else releases high spec laptops at the small sizes and weight they do. If they do then Sony kill them on build quality,specs and price anyway. Just looking at specs is pretty ignorant.


The SZ for example only really has the Dell 13" XPS as competition. As they are the only 2 companies that offer a proper graphics card at lightweight 13". However with Sony you get an even smaller, lighter laptop with the same high specs as the Dell and better build quality. Yet the Dell costs more with less offered(price goes stupidly high matching the Vaio SZ). The Dell is also copy cat(design and tech) of the SZ except the SZ offers stuff before the XPS does. For example HSDPA sim use or LED screens. :bowdown:

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Maybe if you spent more than 2 minutes researching you would realise that no one else releases high spec laptops at the small sizes and weight they do. If they do then Sony kill them on build quality,specs and price anyway. Just looking at specs is pretty ignorant.


The SZ for example only really has the Dell 13" XPS as competition. As they are the only 2 companies that offer a proper graphics card at lightweight 13". However with Sony you get an even smaller, lighter laptop with the same high specs as the Dell and better build quality. Yet the Dell costs more with less offered(price goes stupidly high matching the Vaio SZ). The Dell is also copy cat of the SZ except the SZ offers stuff before the XPS does. For example HSDPA sim use or LED screens. :bowdown:


Yeh, there are some pretty good value viao's out there at the moment. I'm not saying they are the best value for your money you vould buy, but something like the FZ series is pretty nice.

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I don't actually agree with these "don't go ATI" comments though, mobile ATI cards tend to be faster. Sure they guzzle RAM, but thats the upgradable part ;)


For laptops and pc ALWAYS use NVIDIA. ATI are pure shite right now. Unless you like cards that run worse, hotter, noisier, take more power, are larger and have awful support.


Also that table linked earlier is the incorrect table. The 8400 M is a very powerful card for a laptop. You can run every single game upcoming game on it just not at the highest settings.

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Also that table linked earlier is the incorrect table. The 8400 M is a very powerful card for a laptop. You can run every single game upcoming game on it just not at the highest settings.


Yehm the 8400M GT is pretty great for a laptop, well more than great actually.

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he SZ for example only really has the Dell 13" XPS as competition. As they are the only 2 companies that offer a proper graphics card at lightweight 13". However with Sony you get an even smaller, lighter laptop with the same high specs as the Dell and better build quality. Yet the Dell costs more with less offered(price goes stupidly high matching the Vaio SZ). The Dell is also copy cat(design and tech) of the SZ except the SZ offers stuff before the XPS does. For example HSDPA sim use or LED screens.

Haha, what utter rubbish.


The Dell M1330 is 1150 for the base unit, which has almost the same specs as the Sony SZ - Except that it has a faster CPU and video card. :blank: Yes, that's with the LED screen. As for the HSDPA it doesn't say anywhere on the page that it's included in the SZ but on the dell it is an option in any case.

The sony:


Yes lady and gentlemen, that is 350 pounds more expensive than the Dell! Indeed the only advantage to the Sony is the form factor which is 90 grammes lighter and a few millimeters smaller in all directions!


Maybe if you spent more than 2 minutes researching you would realise that no one else releases high spec laptops at the small sizes and weight they do. If they do then Sony kill them on build quality,specs and price anyway. Just looking at specs is pretty ignorant.

Well thanks for the unnecessary jab anyway! Here are some other very light laptops. Which although are not entirely as balanced as the SZ or Dell, excel in certain areas


Toshiba Portege R500's.

Smaller, Lighter and less powerful as a result. Comes with transflective display with LED lighting and the world's thinnest DVD drive and a battery that lasts 6 hours under light usage! Competitive with the SZ's prices.




10" Screen and it includes a 7300, enough said.


or the Z1, which has a 12" screen.


Samsung Q35


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Hi everyone, my PC has started to run really slow. I want to upgrade the ram by 512mb but I'm unsure where it would go (PCI slot)? Also I want to put 4 USB 2.0 ports on it for my iPod/camera/printer. They are about a fiver on ebay and go in the PCI slot. Would this do the job? thanks everyone.

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For laptops and pc ALWAYS use NVIDIA. ATI are pure shite right now. Unless you like cards that run worse, hotter, noisier, take more power, are larger and have awful support.


Also that table linked earlier is the incorrect table. The 8400 M is a very powerful card for a laptop. You can run every single game upcoming game on it just not at the highest settings.


Thats bull crap. There are some great ATI cards, always have been.


It's all about what you can get for the money, you can't just say "NVidia is better" because that is utter shite. NVidia's DX10 cards are generally better, but ATI out did them last generation. The 8400M should be a really good card, but Nvidia stripped too many features out of it.


Theres nothing wrong with the table, it clearly lables estimated performance for loads of laptop and desktop cards and shows the performance difference between them. For laptops there aren't many good comparrisons, find me a better one :)

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Thats bull crap. There are some great ATI cards, always have been.


It's all about what you can get for the money, you can't just say "NVidia is better" because that is utter shite. NVidia's DX10 cards are generally better, but ATI out did them last generation. The 8400M should be a really good card, but Nvidia stripped too many features out of it.


Theres nothing wrong with the table, it clearly lables estimated performance for loads of laptop and desktop cards and shows the performance difference between them. For laptops there aren't many good comparrisons, find me a better one :)


That table you posted helped me choose which laptop to get, so thanks!

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