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What if they made Final Fantasy VII remake for Wii?


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You don't get what I'm saying. Nintendo still whore Mario, yes, but they seem to have a quality control which most other companies don't. Post-N64 and Gameboy, has there really been any bad Mario games? Only the Mario Party's stick out for that category and even they were pretty good until they reached about 5ish.


The Mario Sports arn't bad games which slap Mario on to sell, they're good games which are worth the money (the ones I've played anyway), whereas all the Sonic spin offs tend to be horid games as well.


I do wish Nintendo made some more new IP's or whatever, but you can't exactly say criticise the quality of the Mario games, just the quantity.


Mario Strikers was a dire game with an online mode to boot and was NOT worth £39.99. Could of bought me some Converse trainers which would last me MUCH longer! >(

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Better than....wait for it...MARIO BROS. (the movie) and its pathetic cartoon series...Jokes on you. ;p


To be honest a camp movie starring gods of cinema such as Bob Hoskins and Dennis Hopper is far better than camply animated CGI fanservice aimed at pleasing 20-stone+ "OH SEPHIROTH YOU TASTE LIKE DARKNESS" fanfic writing fangirls and the odd barely-pubescent xSSJCLOUDx gamefaqs poster that make up the modern FFVII fanbase.

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Final Fantasy Agito XIII

Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales

Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode

Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan

Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Final Fantasy XIII Versus

Final Fantasy: Dissidia


15 fucking Final Fantasy games!


All these games are under work or just recently released. SE never milks anything, no sireee. Gawd, you fanboys are so stupid. Furthermore, you claimed that any company doesn't milk like Nintendo. So far I have shown you two companies that do it, should I continue?


Now where did I claim other companies don't milk anything? huh? Find me a quote.


Now go and name every Nintendo spin off, including GC and DS versions and I'm sure it triples the content on your copy & paste list.

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Now you have proven your idiotic fanboyism. Probably best if you log off about now.


Ah, the famous fanboy card. When you can't win, you try to use that to invalidate my answer. What in my answer was incorrect? Tell me. And "just cause" doesn't count as a answer, no matter you want to believe. You need to have facts to base your claims. Blaming someone fanboy when he is clearly right is idiotic if something. You started this argument. Hell, I can even provide you all 1st party release lists for last 8 years, and there is only four franchises that have got more than 3 sequels on that time.

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To be honest a camp movie starring gods of cinema such as Bob Hoskins and Dennis Hopper is far better than camply animated CGI fanservice aimed at pleasing 20-stone+ "OH SEPHIROTH YOU TASTE LIKE DARKNESS" fanfic writing fangirls and the odd barely-pubescent xSSJCLOUDx gamefaqs poster that make up the modern FFVII fanbase.


Yes, this was fan service, something requested by its fans. Acting out game characters with real people is always destined to flop. Atleast S-E had the respect to not attempt to do that.


Ah, the famous fanboy card. When you can't win, you try to use that to invalidate my answer. What in my answer was incorrect? Tell me. And "just cause" doesn't count as a answer, no matter you want to believe. You started this argument. Hell, I can even provide you all 1st party release lists for last 8 years.


No...no get some rest, save your (mental) health points.

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No...no get some rest, save your (mental) health points.


Answer me. It is obvious to anyone who reads this that you are trying to dodge my question, because you don't have answer. You came here marching, doing rather stupid and factually incorrect claims, and then tried to ignore shown facts when they don't serve your current agenda. Which makes you both idiot and bad loser.

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Mario Strikers was a dire game with an online mode to boot and was NOT worth £39.99. Could of bought me some Converse trainers which would last me MUCH longer! >(


Hey, you didn't like it, but it got a great reception from critics and seems to have a large online fanbase who would quickly disagree with you.


I think Gran Turismo is crap, doesn't make it a bad game though does it?

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Atleast S-E had the respect to not attempt to do that.

If S-E had respect for the game they wouldn't have commisioned so many shitty spinoffs. At least Mario Tennis/Golf et al have the audacity to be fun.


Anyway respect is a bad word to use here, both Nintendo and S-E are bathing in a sea of money and snorting cocaine from hookers arsecracks thanks to this kind of thing, respect doesn't even come into it.

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Hey, you didn't like it, but it got a great reception from critics and seems to have a large online fanbase who would quickly disagree with you.


I think Gran Turismo is crap, doesn't make it a bad game though does it?


Its fair to say most bought this as their first and only online Wii game and solely for its online mode. Content-wise, this game is pretty weak and simple though an improvement over its predecessor.


Put it like this, would you have bought this if it wasn't online for £40?

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Its fair to say most bought this as their first and only online Wii game and solely for its online mode. Content-wise, this game is pretty weak and simple though an improvement over its predecessor.


Put it like this, would you have bought this if it wasn't online for £40?


What a terrible question, the fact is it has an online mode.


I probably wouldn't have bothered if it was offline-only, but it's not. They made it fully online compatible and thus made it more then just a crappy, rushed, poor cash in spin off. It's a good game that people are still playing 3 months launch.


Would you have bought Gran Turismo if it didn't have cars?

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If S-E had respect for the game they wouldn't have commisioned so many shitty spinoffs. At least Mario Tennis/Golf et al have the audacity to be fun.


Anyway respect is a bad word to use here, both Nintendo and S-E are bathing in a sea of money and snorting cocaine from hookers arsecracks thanks to this kind of thing, respect doesn't even come into it.


Why change the subject? we were comparing the aforementioned movies. Imagine the likes of Cloud and Sephiroth in human form? ...Exactly wtf. Same feeling applies to Mushroom kingdom characters portrayed by human actors.


What a terrible question, the fact is it has an online mode.


I probably wouldn't have bothered if it was offline-only, but it's not. They made it fully online compatible and thus made it more then just a crappy, rushed, poor cash in spin off. It's a good game that people are still playing 3 months launch.


Would you have bought Gran Turismo if it didn't have cars?


Wahaha! Oh gosh! You just highlighted your stupidity with your last question. ;D

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Mario Strikers was a dire game with an online mode to boot and was NOT worth £39.99. Could of bought me some Converse trainers which would last me MUCH longer! >(


What it was excellent how the hell is it dire? it's one of the best multiplayer games in years......


Why is FF7 "perfect" for WIi? all you mention is the graphics, which the PS3 completely trounces the Wii at.


for SE i guess it would be. i mean the wii is the best selling system.


but we have really yet to see a decent rpg on wii. Maybe crysta; bearer will change your mind about why it would be suitable on wii.

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Uh... Mario football, Mario tennis, Mario basketball, Mario golf, Mario baseball, Mario kart, Mario party, Mario...*gun shots*


How the F is any company as bad as Nintendo?!...S-E is no where near as bad...Gawd I hate these fanboys.


Thing is Mario was ALWAYS like that since his creation. He was always supposed to be in every type of game, not like Samus and Link. If they started making Metroid Tennis and Zelda Golf, then I'd hate, but asides from Mario Party which is milked like hell, I really don't mind. I mean we get one Mario sports title per console, it's not that much and Nintendo actually avoided putting Mario and co in Wii Sports. On the other hand, look at PES, Colin McRae,Jack & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank and the see the amount of sequels release in an incredibly short ammount of time. About S-E, I never had any problem, cause the sequels and spin offs were always far apart, but now with all the FFVII and FFXIII miling it is a little annoying. Try not to overuse the fanboy line so much.


Well, this debate ended pretty poorly.


Erm, yeah. Should I get Final Fantasy III for DS? Might try and rekindle some of the love I once had for the franchise.


Well, it depends, if you like very classic and old school RPGs it's a great buy, if not, I'd give it a pass.


Now go and name every Nintendo spin off, including GC and DS versions and I'm sure it triples the content on your copy & paste list.

Except those FFs are coming in like the space of one year, while Nintendo games usually are pretty far apart.

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Final Fantasy Agito XIII

Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales

Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode

Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan

Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Final Fantasy XIII Versus

Final Fantasy: Dissidia


I count four spin offs and two remakes.

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It doesn't even fucking matter whether Mario is milked more than FF. King_V, you are the one constantly changing this into a fanboy argument. The rest of you just jump on him ready to attack. He's obviously just provoking.


Let him smother in his own arrogance, he's not worth it.

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I count four spin offs and two remakes.


And lots of shitty mobiles games. Not to mention that all of these games are coming out within year. And if count all Dragon Quest and Star Ocean rips, list is even worse.


He's obviously just provoking.


Trolling is more proper word. I think that banning him would be most logical choice, because he is doing this only to annoy others (unlike, say, Pit-Jr).

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