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My Wii is dying!!!


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Argh! For a while now I have lots of pixelation on my games (started when Strikers came out), at first I thought it was my RGB cable so I changed it and it was still playing up so I thought it may have been my socket so used the cable that came with the Wii and it was still like it; I then thought I needed a new tele, its an old one and I was looking for an xcuse to get a shit hot tele as theres a sale on the panasonic shop.


But tonight I decided to check on downstairs tele and it is still effed up! Its my Wii!!! I dont understand but its awful - dots all over the screen, its getting worse. Has anyone else had this? Anyone know what it is? Is the best thing for me to call Nintendo or email? Whats going to happent to my VC games? How long will i take? So many questions!!!! I'm really pissed off!!!


Ive never had anything break on my like this before, ever!

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Phone Nintendo. When you get a replacement one, your VC data will be transferred (they won't be on the Wii, but downloading the ones you have will be free), and you'll lose Mii-related saves (Wii Sports, Play, Wario Ware) even if you backup everything you can.

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My wii works fine except for on some games, mainly warioware, if i am running it through component cables when certain animations or things like that occur on screen, the whole picture distorts for a few seconds, on warioware it is happening between the various minigames so that i can't see which position i should hold the wiimote in!!!


Sorry dazzybee but that is the nearest thing i have to a similar problem, i had also bought another set of cables to check, anyone have a similar experience? wtf is going down?!?!?!?!

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my cousin had the same problem but that was ( whe think ) she put it Next to the 360 in a closeth so the wii was really hot and the 360 smelled awefull :S so i think thats wat overheated her wii i think the best place is to keep it at a open space not in a closeth or something like that haha when it happened to her i thought maybe that could happen to me too so i took my 360 out of my closeth hahah

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