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Anyone remember the Gizmondo? The console that failed spectacularly? Well I just found mine (yes, I bought one), and was wondering if anyone else had one?


It's not really a terrible console, just the games never came out for it ... the homebrew scene is quite impressive, and the only thing that stopped me from using it was the faulty battery mine came with ...

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hahahahahahah you brought that shit

Indeed I did buy it, and originally had terrible trouble with it because it was so reliant on the given SIM Card that it didn't want to let me use my own Irish one ... it broke within (this is a personal record for anything I've ever owned) 20 hours of buying it ... impressive considering I flew from London to home in that time ... I had to send it away and wait for it to be fixed for two weeks ... but then they accidentally put development firmware on my Gizmondo, so I could play unsigned (i.e. unofficial) software ... it was pretty good! :D


There was that hyped game for it called colours that never got realeased wasn't there?

Yeah, the premium package of the console included a voucher so you could get Colors (damn American spelling, but that was the game's name ... >_< ) for free when it came out ... sucks for anyone who got that one! But the game was fully developed, and somehow leaked out after Gizmondo went bust, so I got it for free, along with others such as Chicane and Hit & Myth, which are actually pretty good.

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Ive got one!

Your name just clicked in my head your signed up in Gizmondoforums right?

To be honest its a great console for homebrew/gps one of the cheapest on the mareket, I command everyone to go out and get one.


Does it come preloaded with GPS software? Also is the GPS software any good?

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No, You can "find" the official software they made and also some people have ported other stuff over like tom tom, but yeah it works great.


Do you know where I can "find" the offical software by any chance? If so I may be tempted to get one of ebay, seems like a good deal.

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Ive got one!

Your name just clicked in my head your signed up in Gizmondoforums right?

To be honest its a great console for homebrew/gps one of the cheapest on the mareket, I command everyone to go out and get one.

Yup, that's right! I haven't been there in ages, but just went on there to check it out, and see what's going on there. If it wasn't for that site, there'd be no homebrew whatsoever on the Giz ... it's great! What's your username on there?


Do you know where I can "find" the offical software by any chance? If so I may be tempted to get one of ebay, seems like a good deal.

Giz-files.co.uk used to have loads of stuff, but that seems to be gone, as well as most of the Gizmondo stuff that used to be around ... I'm sure if you look around Gizmondo Forums, you'll find something, and get an idea of what the homebrew scene is like too ... if not, I'm sure you'll find something on BitTorrent!

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Tetzcatlipoca beat me to it.

My username is unhappychild, yes that site is great, i remember when Otaku first cracked that thing and there was a complete frenzy, Or when we first figured out how to replace roms in that sonic game to use as a megadrive emu, Good Times.

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Tetzcatlipoca beat me to it.

My username is unhappychild, yes that site is great, i remember when Otaku first cracked that thing and there was a complete frenzy, Or when we first figured out how to replace roms in that sonic game to use as a megadrive emu, Good Times.

Ah yeah, I remember you, you posted everywhere on there!


Haha yeah, seems pretty primitive now, considering what's been achieved, and the fact that the button reactions in Sonic were about two seconds delayed ... it did add a strange element of fun to the game though! :laughing:

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I found the co pilot 2006 software torrent. (gizmondo version, its about 100mb)


Does that sound right? How would I install it on one?


(sorry for all the questions!)


If I had perhaps maybe just downloaded that same torrent earlier today, I could tell you that it's the right one. ;)


Basically, there's two ways you can do it ... the first is to set up your Gizmondo for homebrew, which is pretty steamlined now, if I recall. The second thing would be to use a special program (which exists and is easily found) to sign an SD card to trick the Gizmondo into thinking it's a genuine copy of it. I recommend the first option, considering that's what you'd be using it for in the first place.


This should help ...

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