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Is Guarding the Globe out? Unfortunately my place got short shipped on loaddsss.


SkullKickers 1

Morning Glories 2

Walking Dead 77 (got 78 though, so downloading)



Anyway I caught up on some good ones.




Nemesis #3 = Brilliant. So sick, I love it.

Kick-Ass 2 #1 = Pretty awesome. The new characters at the end look awesome.

Chew #14 = Really excited for next issue, this issue was brill.

Dynamo 5 SOTF #4 = Great. The last issue promises to be excellent.

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If I'm going to start getting the floppies instead of acquiring (now that a comic shop has opened right near me), I need to sort out what I really want to read/spend money on.


Right now it seems to be:


- X-Men Legacy

- X-Men

- Justice League of America

- Batman & Robin

- Walking Dead

- Invincible


- Maybe an Avengers title. Probably New or Secret.


As far as ongoings go. But then I'll swap from Batman and Robin to Batman Inc. once that starts. And ASM will finish. I may get the Daniel Way run of ASM though. Seriously contemplating quitting Uncanny. I hate the art and it's just run of the mill beating around the bush atm. Can't be bothered with it. I'd rather just get adjectiveless X-Men. I may leave Invincible until the next time I can acquire.

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- Walking Dead

- Invincible




I may get the Daniel Way run of ASM though.


By ASM do you mean Amazing Spider-Man, by which case by Daniel Way do you mean Dan Slott? Anyway...Dan Slott is on it "permanently" from now on, and its all going to be amazing, so you should definitely get it. And you love Ramos.

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By ASM do you mean Amazing Spider-Man, by which case by Daniel Way do you mean Dan Slott? Anyway...Dan Slott is on it "permanently" from now on, and its all going to be amazing, so you should definitely get it. And you love Ramos.


No I meant AXM. Sorry. :p


I can't spend money on Spidey at the moment. I don't love Ramos either. He actually annoys me as much as I often enjoy his stuff. Which is bizarre.

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Always weird seeing comic people replying to or mentioning ReZ on twitter. Today its Ryan Ottley.


Ah the Invincible crew don't count, I mean I'm practically part of the creative team, me being the one who told them to make volume 5 purple and all. :p


(Also Iain Lee replied to me today. I tried to get him to join NE but he doesn't seem to have done. We had a back and forth though)




Image solicitations are up! YES!


God I love Chew. Just look at this cover. Its so hilarious. Its like "That is so fucking random" but when you read the issue it'll make perfect sense. I seriously adore this comic entirely. Its perfect for what it is.



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Is Guarding the Globe out? Unfortunately my place got short shipped on loaddsss.


yeah it's out, my usual didn't seem to have any copies (yet they still had loads of issue 1), managed to go to the other store in town and got their last/only copy


it's a good issue, nice setup for the rest of the mini and shows us the big bad :)

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I'm about to read 77 now on my PC and then 78 INRLELRLRLRLRL. And the order for my rest of the pile (as obviously I put them in order of read)




Ult Spider-Man

Green Lantern Power Hour

Brightest Day

Brightest Day

Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern

Green Lantern Emerald Warriors


Then onto the Marvel universe.


Wow, Haunt was fucking awesome. This is really starting to get good now. I can't wait till pseudo-Venom turns up as he was hinted at this issue.


Wow, Haunt was fucking awesome. This is really starting to get good now. I can't wait till pseudo-Venom turns up as he was hinted at this issue.

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Been meaning to ask, are you guys still following Shadowland?


This isnt just because I dont like Daredevil but I think its been a pretty poor event so far, mostly because:


It would have been so much more interesting if this really was all Matt Murdocks doing and not just him being possessed. I think they lost a great opportunity for an interesting character turn when they shifted the blame onto some stupid demon.


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I don't know why everyone hates it so much. Or seems to. It was obvious that he wasn't himself from the beginning, but I've been enjoying it personally. Havn't read the latest issue(inclu Daredevil)s yet so I won't click the above spoiler box right now.


Caught up on most of the GL family. GL proper was SICK. Seriously that artist is so good. He is close....ish to Ottley in terms of amazingness, but really no-one is "close" to Ottley IMO.


So that was good. This Larfleeze hint was interesting.



OH and TWD was cracking.

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Justice League was good. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who reads it here though.


Robinson's JLTitans have been hit and miss, but I just love the concept. And the big "CSA RETURN" has such a cool twist in this. And it references that obscure miniseries where famous heroes are reinvented completely, only their names being the same. It has the Green Lantern from that series in it.


The team is the biggest joke ever (in a positive way):


Batman (Dick Grayson)

Donna Troy

Jesse Quick



Congorilla Bill (Yes!)

Starman (Mikaal Thomas)


And the bottom two aren't in the current story, so it's just Batman and the 4 amazing women.

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Ive never liked Jade so id rather not be reading about her.

From what ive read with Congorilla in I have no interest in him.

Starman is ok but seemed better to me with the JSA.

Jessie Quick I know very little about but it doesnt feel like the real JLA without a proper Flash.

Batman im fine with, I like to see Dick Grayson progressing.

Supergirl ive always liked and I like the dynamic shes got going with Batman.

Donna Troy is an odd one. I like the character and in some ways I really do feel that she deserves a push in the DCU but this still doesnt feel quite right.

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I'd read hardly anything of most of them (I knew who they were though). Jade does seem a bit whiny, but then tbf, she's like infested with darkness/died/other stuff. I hate Jesse Quick's costume.


Donna is great. But I have no proof for this.

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Ugh! Does anyone recall reading which comic the "Saved by the Bell reruns" gag was in?! It was in one of the following I think;


A GL comic



??? Does anyone recall? I wanna show Claire, cos thats' all we watched in the US (lol)


OH! I remmebered. It was Deathstorm, thus Brightest Day. Thanks anyway. :p

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I don't know why everyone hates it so much. Or seems to. It was obvious that he wasn't himself from the beginning, but I've been enjoying it personally. Havn't read the latest issue(inclu Daredevil)s yet so I won't click the above spoiler box right now.


Caught up on most of the GL family. GL proper was SICK. Seriously that artist is so good. He is close....ish to Ottley in terms of amazingness, but really no-one is "close" to Ottley IMO.


So that was good. This Larfleeze hint was interesting.



OH and TWD was cracking.


Here's the problem: for months, they'd been doing Daredevil as this really cool thriller where Matt was doing a deal with the devil- taking over The Hand because it's either him or Fisk then they set up this excellent morality challenge for him which was all about 'can The Hand, historically an 'evil' organisation by any yardstick, be used for good if Matt Murdoch is strong willed enough?


It was a fucking excellent scenario. Top notch.


Then Shadowland...that bastard possession thing. It just throws out all the morality, all the suspense. After months of Murdoch walking the razor edge between using The Hand and genuinely becoming The Hand himself they go and piss on it all with a plot that may as well be 'A WIZARD DID IT! LOL!'


What a fucking waste.

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I dont think any of you guys read Superman ongoing but I just wanted to mention the art in the latest issue. It really is terrible. Quite a few moments in the story it looked like I was watching someone playing with dolls and just placing them in positions around a table. It honestly wouldnt suprise me if the artist set it all up that way then just drew exactly what he saw.


Just trying to see if I can find any pictures from it.


Also, if you guys arent reading Action Comics at the moment you should give it a shot. Its following Lex Luthor at the moment and its really good.

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I stopped reading Superman after 700 and 701, just wasn't interested. If John Cassaday was doing the interior art, I'd still be reading.


Wasn't this most recent issue a fill-in one?


I'll stick with JMS' Wonder Woman though. It's not been amazing, but then he's trying to build up a whole new mythos thing.

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"Onslaught Unleashed" in Feb



No info released yet...but Secret Avengers and the Young Allies? Of all the super-teams to fight Onslaught, I would never have thought of these two.

The X-Men, F4 and Avengers are the most obvious considering Onslaught "killed" the latter two for about a year, and he's a big X-villain.

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