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Marvel should kill Wolverine- just to see how much damage they can do to their market share in one issue.


It's ironic that he's an untouchable character- both in terms of importance to Marvel and in his power set- but he's exactly the kind of character who would sacrifice his life in something like Second Coming.

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Oh god.


Genuinely GENUINELY skip Ultimates 3.


Read it cause I hate not feeling complete.


It was just really bizarre and didn't really feel anything like the Ultimates. The art was...nice (I used to love Madureira), but didn't feel right coming after Finch's work. And of course the story...

It felt like one big set-up to let him do Ultimatum (which I haven't read, but I know the premise of).


Venom..right. At least they explained it was a construct, but...why? Ka-Zar and Shanna were so unnecessary. It all got very confusing when the Ultron duplicates were revealed.


And biggest WTF is Pietro taking the bullet. Um...he's Magneto. Pretty sure he'd be able to stop it. (Unless Pietro wanted to die...which is just...silly)


Yeah. I get the criticism.


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The reviews ive read for it never seem to like it that much but personally im quite enjoying it. I like the interplay between Stephanie and Oracle. Also there have been some good moment with Damian and also Tim Drake/Wayne. The only bit I think it needs work on is her normal life. They show her in University and interacting with other people but all that stuff is coming across as a bit bland.

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I might read it...I always liked Spoiler.




I've decided to catch up my Ultimate stuff after reading Ultimates 1-3 and Ultimatum.


Ultimate Spidey felt more pressing than X-Men, so I've been doing that all day (ill so I have an excuse..:p). Read from the Hobgoblin arc onwards, now in the middle of the Silver Sable arc. Kinda annoyed they decided not to keep the Ult. Spidey game as canon, when they said they would (IIRC). Then again, she stuns more here.


I love Tandy Bowen being student council president, and her name generally appearing every so often. IIRC you see the posters for to be elected way back, then grafitti in the toilets, then she gets interviewed about Silver Sable later on. Adds. I have no idea if they've made her Dagger in the current issues so we'll see.

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Oh yeah of course. By catch-up, that's what I meant. I read Ultimate Spidey from issue 1 up until the first issue of the Hobgoblin story years ago, and not since.


And I read Ultimate X-Men up until..I'm not sure. Maybe after that one where they fight Spiral? And the other day I read Ult. X-Men 100 and Requiem since they tied into Ultimatum. (which was...hmm.)


(Spoilers ahead for Ultimatum if you care)


I don't actually oppose the ideas behind Ultimatum, it was an interesting and horrific break from the fairly "safe" disasters these heroes have to deal with, and involved one of the most powerful mutants in the worlds actually using their powers realistically for once. I think, however, the plotting and reasoning behind a lot of it was flawed. I don't believe for a second that he would cause the ultimatum wave because his children "died". He only ever expressed interest in Wanda, and I seem to remember in Ultimate War, after shooting Quicksilver, he was no less willing to do the same to Wanda. So that was shit. (and also kinda the entire plot of Ultimates 3, making that a bit/a lot rubbish)


And lots was done for seemingly just shock value. I'm in two minds over the Wasp/Blob/Yellowjacket thing...there's no reason why she shouldn't have died like that, it was horrific and fitted the tone, but something about it feels off. Maybe cause we didn't see the lead-up to it? You'd think she'd have been able to avoid him. Yellowjacket biting his head off I preferred, he'd have been a complete psycho mess anyway, and it worked in a way.


I "liked" how so many died cause it's like "OMG! Realistic!" but then again it wasn't done very well. And

Cyclops' death at the end felt so pointless. Jean should've been protecting him (even though she said he told her not to).


Edited by Paj!
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Just read Siege #4


Bit disapointing really. I know I already mentioned that I would have prefered Osborn to be the big bad and I think this issue confirms that would have been better. The Void/Sentry was just a nothing enemy that got dispatched way too easily. Also considering how many heroes were used in this series I thought it was a bit of a letdown that it basically came down to Iron Man and Thor taking him out.


With all my complaining though I really am looking forward to the Heroic Age and the new teams and stories that are gonna come out of that.


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So why did you think it was awesome then? (not a criticism, just wondering as I gave a few reasons why I didnt really like it)


It was just cool blockbuster stuff. Perhaps a bit simple in its conclusion but it was entertaining. I wonder how the last tie ins will deal with it.

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I'd have liked more depth to that scene in the crater. Other than that, I really liked.


Last page reminded me of the splash in the early issues of New Avengers where they all jump out the Quinjet and Spider-Man is left behind going 'wow, you guys are really good at posing'

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