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It's been a proper weird series. Post Civil War was awesome. Like, proper epic classic Avengers stuff with a really good team but literally everyone on the team switched out in Secret Invasion. Ares and Sentry joined Osborn, Iron Man went on the run, The Wasp died, ms Marvel joined The New Avengers and Black Widow went underground with Bucky Cap.


Pyms team is just...nowhere near as good. Stature and Vision don't feel like Avengers and US Agent is...what, a parody? Totally obsolete next to Hercules anyway, who is the series' best character along with Amadeus Cho. Quicksilver is quite good and Pym himself has been pretty awesome. Jocasta is just weird.


There's not enough gelling with the team, is the problem. They're characters seemingly picked at random. i don't know why they're a team, really.


that said it's still really enjoyable, largely down to the writing. It's really snappy and fun which makes the book feel much larger than life.

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I'm going with 'no' as i have no idea what you're on about so presumably that's come to and end. He's back to being super fast. Cool power anyway, I always thought.


Just looked it up, yeah he's back to normal. It was during Son of M/Silent War he exposed himself to the Terrigin Mists, giving himself new poers after he lost his on M Day, which effectively simulated super speed, but was actually him controlling time.


Apparently he inexplicably gets his old powers back...

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Ezekiel Stane? He's in the brown, bottom left. Dunno who the guy in the grey is but given the design I'd take a stab at it being related to The Mandarin there on the top left.

Interesting that Iron Patriot features. Makes me wonder how long it will take for Osborn to exit stage left.



edit: and what the fuck is with Liefeld and fucking mantits? the man makes me physically angry he's so shit. His continued fame in the comic industry baffles and astounds me with its injustice.

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I don't understand. Where are Deadpool's hands? If they obscured by Cable's body, Cable should theoretically be about to roll onto the floor (it sort of looks like that as well).


Cable's legs would only be like that if Deadpool held them almost exactly under the inner-knee bit (the bend). But it appears he has no hands, so Cable is actually physically lifting and keeping his legs like that? Some kinda yoga thing?


Ugh, it's so wrong.

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It seems both he and his wife are comic-y.


RE: Thunderbolts


Speeding through years worth of issues, but american comics are epicly short, so yeah. Currently in on issues from las tyear. At first I wasn't so keen on the Dark Reign team, I'd grown so attached to the Venom/Bullseye/Moonstone one. But it's definitely well done, and all the members are engaging and you want to know more about them. Just the the big reveal about

Black Widow II

. Kinda suspected it after you found out other stuff yeah.

Edited by Paj!
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Wil do. Yeah I really love the whole shebag, I want to read all of Dark Avengers (just read the tie-in ones with Utopia), and also I've read and finished the Sinister Spider-Man mini, which was entertaining (and with lovely art by Bachalo).


X-Men Forever is so shit. Usually my sense of "need to finish the story!" would kick in, but it's just atrocious.


Also, a question that's been bugging me.


How did Osborn get the job as director of the Thunderbolts? From the looks of things, he just appeared out of nowhere? Was this explained in other issues of another title? Last I remember, he was locked up in Rykers/jail and it was known he was Green Goblin.






It is, isn't it?


Oh frak that.

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I don't actually know.

Always bugged me, actually. I just don't buy the fiction that Tony Stark would commission or appoint him at all. In fact, I don't buy the fiction that Stark would allow The Thunderbolts to exist, never mind as a govt round up squad.


Marvel cast him as some kind of badguy after Civil War which I think is basically bullshit as he was right all along.

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I'm sure Brand New Day does a good job of changing history to make it make sense in the grand scheme (!!!).


I mean, I like Osborn in the position, but it makes no sense. I read Spidey in the mid-late 90's (start early!) for the end of the Clone Saga (epic return!), and then when he returned again just as Norman Osborn, and got all of New York to love him, he took over the Bugle etc. Even that was slightly hard to buy, as (pointed out during th story) Ben Urich wrote a book all about how Osborn was the Goblin. Fair enough there was never enough proof at the time, but it all ended up with him losing easily to Spidey after The Gathering of Five, in which he gained extreme madness (but that wore off, all the powers from that storyline did). Then I think next we see is during the start of Marvel Knights Spider-Man with the whole Sinister Twelve thing, i.e he's a known-super criminal.


Also, has Miss Hand got any interesting ablities/powers/stories? She appeared out of nowhere and has a semi-important recurring role, and that hair seems to suggest super to me. :p

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Im pretty sure I remember Osborn was finally revealed as the Goblin in issues of the Pulse, possibly by Luke Cage and his wife (cant remember her name atm). Then of course in Dark Avengers we have:

Ronin going on tv and announcing to the world that Osborn used to be the Goblin, later in a tv interview Osborn admits to it


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Thinking about it as well Paj, Norman became leader of the Thunderbolts before Brand New Day so it couldnt have been Lokis doing.


I just checked his Wikipedia entry and there doesnt seem to be an explanation, one minute hes being used by Shield and goes against them trying to kill Urich and some Atlantians the next hes put on medication and made leader of the Thunderbolts.

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Its gonna be interesting to see what happens with Norman after Siege. I think hes gonna survive it but possibly on the run. While I would like him to return to the Green Goblin persona im not sure it would make a lot of sense, at least until he loses the Iron Patriot armour so its unlikely we will see it during Siege.

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It would actually be cool if he died or something, but it would feel kinda wrong if it wasn't in a battle with Spidey. Like...all these years of absolute torment, and yeah fair enough, he's now a big bad for EVERYONE, but it should be Spidey's fight imo.


I do love GG, so wouldn't mind if he somehow became him fulltime again, or kinda...gave in to the Goblin persona, making more of a normal villain once again. That would be an anticlimax though.

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I think its just because hes been built up to kind of a Lex Luthor level villian, a drop back down to GG would be hard. It would have to be when hes no longer got access to the more powerful Iron Patriot armour. I know you havent read Dark Avengers yet so i'll put this in spoilers


In Dark Avengers we have already seen him fighting with his Green Goblin side when hes on his own so by the end of Siege when hes losing and the pressure is too much we'll probably see it win over and come out


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It would actually be cool if he died or something, but it would feel kinda wrong if it wasn't in a battle with Spidey. Like...all these years of absolute torment, and yeah fair enough, he's now a big bad for EVERYONE, but it should be Spidey's fight imo.

I do love GG, so wouldn't mind if he somehow became him fulltime again, or kinda...gave in to the Goblin persona, making more of a normal villain once again. That would be an anticlimax though.


Did you read American Son? It's ace.


Goblin has to come out in Siege. I can't see him keeping hold much longer. One thing I like about Normans brand of crazy though is the idea that it's all based on masks and costumes. In a suit, he's a Machiavellian CEO, in his goblin suit he's the goblin and in The Iron Patriot he almost buys his own propaganda as this emblematic national hero. It's really rather brilliant.

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