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Its the entire Second Coming main story in the main trade but Second Coming Revelations is also released as well, I dont actually know what that was.


Yeah a lot of X-Men events tend to go like that these days, shifting from book to book. Im not actually a big fan of it as it means getting books I dont always read and if done poorly then it feels disjointed. Like the War of the Green Lanterns recently. Reading those it was very obvious when shifting to other characters in their own books.


The worst one I found was the Utopia cross over with X-Men and Dark Avengers. I actually enjoyed the story but I bought the trade after reading it in singles and for the most part it was all mixed together correctly but then at the end they had all the X-Men Legacy books which jumped back into the middle of the story, totally messing up the flow.

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oh cool. is that everything? I really liked the way they did that event across the whole X stable. It's a much more effective way of doing events than the model they're following in Fear Itself.


Do you mean a mini and X-number of tie ins?


Its more difficult for Fear Itself though, and kind of necessary as it covers the whole universe.


Also I think these tie ins are a lot better than the usual ones. Stuff is happening in some of them (Like Iron Man - an entire person/piece that isn't being touched at all in the main book. And Avengers Academy, but that is almost exempt because its always so cool).


Did anyone read the 14.1 Avengers Academy? Pretty cool concept, basically....young evil people IN THE MAKING...not...yeah. Its cool.



Also...I have heard a couple people saying Flashpoint is better than Fear Itself. I think they are smoking COPIOUS amounts of crack.

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yeah I suppose FI is more wide ranging. There'd be an issue of what to involve and when to stop. But I liked Second Coming's model because it was weekly. You'd get a bit of the main action going on every issue and the story had way more momentum. I'm enjoying FI but it makes me impatient, too.

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@ Dan, read Legacy!! Have you not read Age of X yet?


To me, Uncanny and Legacy are the X-books, with X-Men and Astonishing just being side ones, out of the current story. Like...I can't be bothered reading the current story in X-Men, it sounds like rubbish. But that's fine, as it can be skipped if need be.


Legacy is important. Read eet. Though I do wish Rogue was more like old-Rogue though...she's less fiesty and more teachery now. Despite finally being in control of her powers. (IIRC?)

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@ Dan, read Legacy!! Have you not read Age of X yet?


To me, Uncanny and Legacy are the X-books, with X-Men and Astonishing just being side ones, out of the current story. Like...I can't be bothered reading the current story in X-Men, it sounds like rubbish. But that's fine, as it can be skipped if need be.


Legacy is important. Read eet. Though I do wish Rogue was more like old-Rogue though...she's less fiesty and more teachery now. Despite finally being in control of her powers. (IIRC?)


OK, yeah. When should I read from post Second Coming?

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OK, yeah. When should I read from post Second Coming?


X-Men Legacy 238 onwards. Age of X (starting at X-Men Legacy 245, though there is a one-shot Alpha issue set beforehand that's worth a read if you like the universe) crosses over with New Mutants bear in mind for a few issues.


Age of X Alpha

Chapter 1: X-Men Legacy #245

Chapter 2 : New Mutants #22

Chapter 3: X-Men Legacy #246

Chapter 4: New Mutants #23

Age of X Universe #1

Chapter 5: X-Men Legacy #247

Chapter 6: New Mutants #24

Age of X Universe #2


The Universe issues aren't essential to the story, but interesting sidenotes. Especially the Avengers orientated bits.




I assume people have been reading/read Death of Ultimate Spider-Man? I'm about to, and had a question;


In the checklist it states Ultimate Avengers vs. Ultimates 1 is 'first' , but then the first few relevant issues of USM have '(Prelude)' after the title, does this mean I should read them first? I know the checklists are based on release date, but story-wise should I start with the preludes?

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Hahaha Nice video Mike- loved the 'if you're not read this comic, you need a slap...because you're a twat'


Cheers. :) You weren't the only one who liked it. :p






Paj!, read the preludes first.


Then issue....I think it is 3 or 2 of Ultimates and 3 or 2 of Spider-Man have the same ending so doesn't massively matter which of them you read first. But yeah. Honestly, the order isn't super duper important, they're both reasonably self contained apart from that one cross over point, its more a "The Ultimates characters are doing X" which "Explains X in Ultimate Spider-Man".


Both are awesome IMHO. Which you'd...know...if you....didn't...sicken...people. Then Dynamo 5. Awesome. :)

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You should really give it a read, I think at the time it was mostly thought of as just ok but now being viewed in the big picture its one of the better ones.


Did you ever read Avengers Disassembled? If not you should read that as well, thats basically what started off this entire Marvel saga of sorts, ending with Siege.

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