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Star Wars on Wii: more fuel to the rumour!


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When Lucasarts were pushing adventure games back in the day they were respectable. But they started whoring Star Wars thus thinking they were the greatest developers scince sliced bread. Even if Star Wars is one of the biggest franchises of all time it doesn't mean you.....Oh, wait! Sorry. How silly of me. Lucasarts are a business and just want the money. Star Wars sells. Let them whore it out. They are only tarnishing the franchise (or will George Lucas do that all by himself with this live action Star Wars TV show?).


What a tangled web. But what a universe!!


The original Star Wars games on the SNES were amazing. The 2D platform ones. Then came Dark Forces and Tie Fighter/X-Wing which blew me away, but it went down hill from there.


Stupid games like the 3D fighting one, and the silly junkyard vehicle smash 'em up tarnished the name. There have been a few lack lustre ones since then too, Bounty Hunter, Shawdows of the Empire, Clone Wars were all a bit 'meh'.


They also had some Star Wars C&C and Age of Empires style games which were all a bit underwhelming.


The Rogue Squadron games were great up until they injected the crap on foot levels into them in Rebel Strike, that should really have been First Person to work well, even if it was just a cheap point and click affair to break up the flying.

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Right then! I can't take this tension for much longer, will somebody please just release a wii lightsabre game! If they don't get this sorted out soon then the expectations of fans will be to high for anyone to meet!


I must leave now though as i can't bare to think about this game anymore without knowing for sure if it exists or not!!!

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The ultimate geek-fantasy of using the Wii-mote as a lightsaber in a Star Wars game could be closer than we think if the latest comments to surface from Activision’s Activate Asia Pacific conference are to be believed. During a demonstration of its upcoming LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga for Wii, LucasArts’ Mark Montuya commented today that the game’s motion-sensitive lightsaber action is “just a taster†for a future release involving motion-sensitive lightsaber combat.
Source: http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=20612
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Old? Yesterday's news, if you ask me :) You might've mixed it up with the news report that there was a light saber game headed for the Wii from a while back. Said game was later on confirmed as Lego Star Wars. Good to hear that they have other aces up their sleeves :)

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