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Backing up files to DVD +R software recommendations?


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Ok so I've decided to backup some files to DVD+R and I've just discovered that for some bizarre reason, my PC seems to have no software for backing up files to DVD, so anyways...


Can anyone recommend a decent piece of data backup software?


I was thinking of getting Nero or something but if there is anything better thats available (and free) I'd rather get that.



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Hmm DVD + R because I have a pack of them lying around that I haven't used yet, does it make that much difference if it's DVD + R / - R or +R & -R ? seeing as it is only a backup of a few gigs of files. :wtf: is one format more reliable or something?

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Nothing really DVD + R is jsut a newer format and isnt as compatible with some of the old devices.


I have no problem with dvd backup but it's just annoying because you have to keep putting the disc in.


External hard drive is a great idea, I have all my music on it BUT be warned! I have lost all of it once due to a accidental yank out of the usb cable. It's not that nice, but when it works it's brill.


More to the point you'll want nero. or scan through download.com :)

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What operating system do you have?


XP Home


also ty for the feedback, yes an external HDD might be a good idea I guess, though I only want to back up a DVD's worth atm, I'll probably download Nero.

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