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Football Season 2007/2008


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With the players they've got, Liverpool could win the league. If they don't, (and I'd still put my money on Chelsea or Man U ahead of them) it'll be because of Rafa rotating his strikers and benching players who played a blinder in the last game to keep, say, Peter Crouch happy. Just play your form players and have an unhappy Peter Crouch.

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Liverpool and Chelsea play dull football in europe especially, largely due to their managers not being ex pro's. Niether play with that element of attacking risk most other european teams play with and Rafa/Jose(not anymore) just do anything possible tactically to try and grind out a result, rather then extracting that spark only an ex professional can do on to their teams. Both teams have been a bad advert for the English game in the Champions League through there semi finals imo.


Before you have a hissy fit, Im not saying in general I am just talking about the semi final and group stage meetings both clubs have had with one another...


I really couldn't give too hoots if the way my team played affected the perception of the English Game. The English game is corrupt to shit anyway


Since when was the Football Played in England one way or another a true perception of the English Game...?


Regarding how managers do their jobs, it isn't down to wether they where Ex Professionals or Not or at what level they where at.


I personally think that has very little if anything to do with how a manager does his job.


It's more down the club circumstance


The Funds


Tactical Knowledge


Opposition Knoweldge


It's alot more complicated than basing managerial skills on how they where as a player


With the players they've got, Liverpool could win the league. If they don't, (and I'd still put my money on Chelsea or Man U ahead of them) it'll be because of Rafa rotating his strikers and benching players who played a blinder in the last game to keep, say, Peter Crouch happy. Just play your form players and have an unhappy Peter Crouch.


Peter Crouch for Michael Owen and £10 Million Please :)


Well you wouldnt think it through his tactics in europe


Them Tactics got him to more European Cup Finals in 3 Years than Sir Alex Ferguson did in 20....

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I really couldn't give too hoots if the way my team played affected the perception of the English Game. The English game is corrupt to shit anyway


Since when was the Football Played in England one way or another a true perception of the English Game...?


Regarding how managers do their jobs, it isn't down to wether they where Ex Professionals or Not or at what level they where at.


I personally think that has very little if anything to do with how a manager does his job.


It's more down the club circumstance


The Funds


Tactical Knowledge


Opposition Knoweldge


It's alot more complicated than basing managerial skills on how they where as a player




Peter Crouch for Michael Owen and £10 Million Please :)




Them Tactics got him to more European Cup Finals in 3 Years than Sir Alex Ferguson did in 20....


and yet you moan why they many people arnt entertained by liverpool? if winning all that counts, then how do you expect to win a large fan base with boring football (or more correctly, Tactical football).


good football get you fans, you tend to lean to the team that plays the nice football and tries rather than come do the job and kill the show.


ps. remember how every one was on chelseas back (especially liverpool fans) for trying to buy their way into success in the modern game, arnt liverpool doint the same? trying to buy success purely coz they couldnt compete on their own and niether had the funds (due to limited fan base and interest) and stadium? oh the irony!

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and yet you moan why they many people arnt entertained by liverpool? if winning all that counts, then how do you expect to win a large fan base with boring football (or more correctly, Tactical football).


good football get you fans, you tend to lean to the team that plays the nice football and tries rather than come do the job and kill the show.


ps. remember how every one was on chelseas back (especially liverpool fans) for trying to buy their way into success in the modern game, arnt liverpool doint the same? trying to buy success purely coz they couldnt compete on their own and niether had the funds (due to limited fan base and interest) and stadium? oh the irony!


There are so many things wrong with what you just said ANYONE with an ounce of knowledge would no that none of that is at all Correct....




Our Fanbase is among the largest in the world, with your Man Utd's, Barcelona's, Real Madrid's etc etc.


Our Fanbase has never been a problem, it's just been about exploiting the people from America and Asia which Utd have done succesfully and get them to pump money into the club by purchasing merchandise.


Although today such a thing is imperative to secure the success on a financial level of a club, I really don't care wether people such as yourselves base your support on A Football Club due to how they play their Football.


"Tactical Football = Boring" Every team plays "Tactical Football" it's just how it's implemented.


good football get you fans, you tend to lean to the team that plays the nice football and tries rather than come do the job and kill the show.


I am trying to understand what point your making, but I can't see it


I do understand the following however regarding fans...

We have never had a problem with Fans as I have stressed before , 56,000 People on the season ticket waiting list right now with 45,000 Season Ticket Holders + 100,000 Fan Card Holders and god knows how many signed up onto the Official Supporters Club all around the world...


The circumstances of which Liverpool and Chelsea where bought are totally different, even a Chelsea fan with half a brain could tell you that....


Liverpool needed to finance the stadium, the reason why Liverpool's stadium kept on getting knocked back is because David Moores could not provide proof of the funding Combined with Protests and Planning Applications, what was ment to be £80 Million over time increased to £200 Million. It had nothing to do with a "limited" fan base, nothing whatsoever


David Moores just could not afford it the stadium and over time could not afford to keep Liverpool on the same "Financial Level" as Chelsea and Man United.


I have no doubt in my mind had the cost of the stadium stayed around the £80 Million mark, David Moores would still be at the helm.


George Gillett + Tom Hicks aren't going on and spending Billions they are trying to set the foundations up so that we can comepete on and off the field with the likes of Chelsea and Manchester United and Arsenal.


But since Chelsea literally turned the league upside down Football changed in England, for the first few months players like Scott Parker were getting bought for £10 Million!


Chelsea have how do I put it, Imagine Teams buying nukes, Once All Premiership Teams used Rockets. Chelsea went and bought a nuke, and changed in Football Terms changed what we are dealing with.


It was no longer about Football on the field it was about money.

Liverpool are just competing in a changed Field of Play.


I won't delve into that too much because it's 10 to 1 and I am absolutely knackered.


I hope you realise that you are 100% wrong in everything you just said...



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It was no longer about Football on the field it was about money.

Liverpool are just competing in a changed Field of Play.





which brings us back to my point, you cant compete on your own thus using/support of "other funds" which you couldnt generate because....1. not enough fan base (or fan base thats been exploited) and 2. not enough entertainment and as you know, football these days is all about entertainment.


ie, you couldnt do it on your own like united hence further prooving my point that liverpool arnt as big as they think they are.

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Our Fanbase is among the largest in the world, with your Man Utd's, Barcelona's, Real Madrid's etc etc.


Our 185,000 registered, paying members say;


Our fanbase > Man Utd's, Barcelona's, Real Madrid's, Liverpool's.


We just have a lot of mutes registered as members. ^^


Edit- Going to the game today, we've got Derby. Hopefully we'll put in a very good display.

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which brings us back to my point, you cant compete on your own thus using/support of "other funds" which you couldnt generate because....1. not enough fan base (or fan base thats been exploited) and 2. not enough entertainment and as you know, football these days is all about entertainment.


ie, you couldnt do it on your own like united hence further prooving my point that liverpool arnt as big as they think they are.


The Fan base has never ever been the problem, It's been about Exploiting the Fan Base as I have once said. We have been under the ownership of Narrow Minded Idiots, Why do you think one of the first people our new owners brought in was a Marketing Expert who was set the task to exploit such Markets which the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea had done so successfully?


Next Point because that was just wrong...


As for Entertaining Football I fail to see the point your making Are you claiming people support teams that play exciting Football?


Maybe thats true but as long as we win a true fan wouldn't a shiny shit wether the goals where 30 Yarder Overhead kicks in off the cross bar, or tap in's.


Personally however I believe Liverpool provide the most entertainment...


Remember Istanbul


Remember The FA Cup Final 2006 + 2001


Remember Olympiakos at home


Need I go on?


Our 185,000 registered, paying members say;

Our fanbase > Man Utd's, Barcelona's, Real Madrid's, Liverpool's.

We just have a lot of mutes registered as members. ^^


Edit- Going to the game today, we've got Derby. Hopefully we'll put in a very good display.


As much as I respect your opinions and views on Football you are way off in that view.


Arsenal are a very well supported club but their is no way that is the case.....

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As much as I respect your opinions and views on Football you are way off in that view.


Arsenal are a very well supported club but their is no way that is the case.....


The stat was a little off it's 180,000.. And how is that 'way off'. Our sheer number is greater than the other clubs (not combined). Hence the greater than symbol.


With over 180,000 Club members, Arsenal have surpassed Benfica’s 2006 Guinness Book of World Records entry of 161,000 paid club members!


Source - Arsenal Membership Page

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It is also expected that when our financial results are released this week, Arsenal will be the 2nd richest club in the world, overtaking Man Utd, and only behind Real Madrid.


Arsenal have a massive african fan base, mainly due to having bought players such as Kanu and Adebayor.

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The stat was a little off it's 180,000.. And how is that 'way off'. Our sheer number is greater than the other clubs (not combined). Hence the greater than symbol.




Source - Arsenal Membership Page

Hahaha, you're kidding, right? Just because you have a load of people signed up to some silly fan club thing doesn't mean you have a massive fan base. It's something that can never be proven, I know, but I think I can confidently say that Liverpool, Man Utd, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Milan etc. all have many, many, many more fans worldwide than Arsenal. You're still a relatively small club in the grand scheme of things.


And the only reason your supporters club has so many members is because it's the only way to get tickets (according to that link, anyway). Most, if not all other clubs put them on general sale.


How do you feel about your club ripping you off to the tune of 30 quid (minimum) per season?

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Hahaha, you're kidding, right? Just because you have a load of people signed up to some silly fan club thing doesn't mean you have a massive fan base. It's something that can never be proven, I know, but I think I can confidently say that Liverpool, Man Utd, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Milan etc. all have many, many, many more fans worldwide than Arsenal. You're still a relatively small club in the grand scheme of things.


And the only reason your supporters club has so many members is because it's the only way to get tickets (according to that link, anyway). Most, if not all other clubs put them on general sale.


How do you feel about your club ripping you off to the tune of 30 quid (minimum) per season?


Some silly fan club? It's the official membership scheme. Tickets would go to general sale if they weren't bought so quickly by members. in fact, the Carling Cup game against Newcastle IS on general sale.


And in terms of acutal fanbase, I think you'll find we are the 3rd biggest in the world (according to a study in 2005 by Grenada Ventures)



Arsenal is now one of the biggest clubs in the world. It has an estimated global fan base of 27 million people of which two million are in the UK, 11 million in Europe, 12 million in Australasia, two million in Africa and two million in North America.


That proof enough?


Arsenal fans are a disgrace, they've got a cheek coming on here and criticising us.


What a hypocrite. Isn't that exactly what you are doing now?

I have never personally criticised Liverpool, I much prefer them to Man Utd and Chelsea, but sorry, your attitude is terrible.

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If you seriously think Arsenal are the third most supported club in the world, then I'm sorry but you're deluded. I'm not saying anymore on the matter.

I'm sorry, but you're deluded for ignoring the fact that we have the most members and surveys have shown we have the 3rd highest global fanbase. Face it, Arsenal have more fans than Liverpool.

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I don't get how you can measure fans like a poll or something....

You can't, it's bollocks. Complete and utter bollocks, in fact.


How is Arsenal a small club?:indeed:

Compared to Liverpool, Man Utd, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Milan, Juve etc. they're pretty small, yes.

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