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Save the Children Disses the Games


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Or as I like to call it "Save the Children" gets owned by the head of "Entertainment Consumers Association".


I mean seriously "Teachers also note a rise in "thuggish behavior" and behavioral problems aggravated by videogames."

Right ok and they know it's video games how? Since when have teachers sat kids in front of video games and gone "ooo look at that one there he's getting a bit thuggish", lol great evidence they've used to prove their point.

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Videogames will allways be the target of pollitical figures and things like Save the Children, Collumbine was blamed on videogames, the virginia shootings were blamed on videogames and a hell of alot of other stuff that politisions couldn't explain were blamed on videogames, its just an easy way out for them

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"Children have always played alone, for example with dolls or train sets, but these activities required a certain level of imagination -- they stimulated their brains," said Lorna Redden, Save the Children's schools development manager. "That is not the case with modern computer games which do children's thinking for them and put them in their own little world."


To be able to really enjoy a game and immerse yourself into it you need as much imagination as it takes to read a book, or even more. In a book the thinking really is done for you, you read about someone and what happens to them, you have no control over any choices. In a videogame (The good ones at least) you have to think about what's going on, you need to solve puzzles, you need quick reactions, you definitely need imagination.


"That is not the case with modern computer games which do children's thinking for them and put them in their own little world."


How can you be put into your own little world without requiring a certain level of imagination. Bit of a condradiction there. These people really have no idea what they're on about, they're just using videogames as a scapegoat as we've seen so many people do before them. It will never happen but if they ever managed to outlaw videogames I bet the rise in thuggish behaviour would increase even more.


Bah! Just send them all a DS with Brain Training and then see what they think about videogames. They really do get owned by the head of the ECA too.

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They used to say the same things about novels.

Indeed :D I love how Johnson comlpains that too many kids play games and not enough read books, but if you go back to the novel and romance of the past, people complained about how much time was spent lost in fantasy fiction rather than living a real life.


In 400 years maybe there'll be something new, and news media will be complaining that kids rot their brains, unlike the old days where they sat down with a good video game and learnt something.

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Yeah, games and television are always going to be easier to attack than the actual problems of bad parenting and mental disorders.

I can walk down the street, look at buildings and see places to climb them because of Crackdown, but common sense kicks in before I attempt to jump 30 ft in the air. If you're going to act on something you've seen in a videogame, something is wrong with you, not the game.

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Poor parents, sitting there, watching they're kids playing games, powerless to do anything.


Unwilling to use that parental controls options, fearing that their child may turn demonic and jump on her head, causing a little '100' to appear as they flatten against the ground.

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