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What's the scariest thing you've witnessed?


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I'm quite depressed imagining the scary stuff you lot have had to go through :S its scary what can happen.


The only time I can think of is when it was boxing day and I was skiing, there was snow but not a lot because its earlyish in the season. So I'm going round this little path and suddenly I'm not sure what happened, must have been a patch of ice, but I couldn't edge a turn and I just went over the edge, on to some rocks and I tumbled for a little bit, only about 20m maybe. Although I wasn't hurt barely at all, I looked down and all there was on that face was rocks, it was so scary for me I was shaking for about 30mins afterwards.

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The scariest thing I saw was probably on xbox live actually on a vision camera, this girls brother/husband/boyfriend was beating her up while swearing at her, you could hear it from the headset.


So did the only thing I could do was ring up microsoft tell them about the gamertag and they passed it onto the police down in mancester way. Anyway got a call from the police down their thanking me for my quick thinking.


All I know is their some crazy things out their for our little planet. Damn its cruel out their I want to curl under the duvet and watch tv.

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