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Showing the controller to mates


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At the end of the day I don't care whether my mates hate it or not. I'm still getting one, and now wi-fi means I don't have to call them over for multi-player. I'm sure when they play it they'll go and get one too. As long as there are people out these who do like it, then I'm fine. If it stays a minority product just like the Gamecube tended to be I won't care. I love Nintendo's innovation, and I can't say I'll ever leave them. Besides, I'm moving to uni this year, so I'll have new mates living in the same house as me. They won't be able to escape there, muahahahahahaha!

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2. "Cool, sounds internesting"

3. "Wow, I wanna play paperboy on THAT!"

4. "Eh?"

5. "Sounds good, is it like VR gloves?"

6. "It shall cause repetitive strain injury, I must make love to my Xbox"

7. "Bye bye food!"


Good reactions all round!

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Sent the video to some friends over the network at work; one guy thought it was pretty impressive, but mad; second guy's comment when I saw him later:


"What the hell was that?"


I suppose it would have helped if I'd mentioned what it was for in the e-mail I sent him! Anyway, after I'd explained what it was actually all about, he was quite intrigued despite being an Xbox owner.

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Well, of course there are some extreme reactions, its a pretty extreme change in control. Personally, the shock has worn off and now I am as excited as ever, especially that a 'normal' controller has been announced too for the 3rd party games.


I cant wait, going to import if theres more than a couple of months difference between launches. Slightly concnerned at how some games are going to play - Pro Evo to name one!! But im sure it will be fab. Im pretty confident we'll look back in a few years when this control is the norm.


Fact is, Nintendo helped create this industry and is the ONLY company that tries to evolve the industry, thats why I (and probably everyone else) loves them!! Ive said it beofre and this confirms it - they are about the games, thats what they truly care about!!

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maybe as a close experience to the controller, you could hold the gamecube controller on the left handle up and a tv remote control in the right and well..........oh i lost my point to this.


the controller i think has now convienced me to go for the revolution over the xbox 360 (and of course who would forget.....me?.....nah, the ps3) as it is unique and has great possibilites

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