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Banning of swords in the Uk

Chris the great

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So what recreational activities are swords used for (and what are the two most retarded posts ever?)?


Axe attacks are more frequent, ie Anthony Walker who was killed in a racist axe attack. And how is an axe used in recreational activities? By lumberjacks?

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"Scottish Sword Dancing and many Sikh festivals"

Sword Swallowing

etc etc


The proposed ban on the import, sale and manufacture of swords will have an adverse effect on legitimate practitioners, collectors and manufacturers. Actual sword related crime is very rare and does not warrant a ban that affects the cultural activities of thousands of legitimate martial artists, collectors and smiths. Current legislation is quite adequate to deal with violent crime connected with bladed weapons. New legislation is merely for show. Enforcing such a ban will also affect cultural events such as Scottish Sword Dancing and many Sikh festivals. We urge the PM to reconsider this knee jerk reaction to media influenced scaremongering.






Thus proving just how stupid and illogical you actually are. There is no evidence for evolution, hence being called a theory[i



'My' Machete was used to cut wood.

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Well if you're going to continue to ignore me, that's your problem. I just wish people would read what I've posted before they have a go at me and call me a 'retard', particularly this:


People need knives to prepare food, baseball bats to play baseball etc. Swords are, by design, tools of violence. Whatever the realities of sword crime, I still find it very difficult to accept the fact that people can legally buy items that are designed to kill.
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Well if you're going to continue to ignore me, that's your problem. I just wish people would read what I've posted before they have a go at me and call me a 'retard', particularly this:


I think we all read your point, and I wasn't having a go at you. But try and find me the last act of sword related violence in this country.

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I think we all read your point, and I wasn't having a go at you. But try and find me the last act of sword related violence in this country.



...did I make that clear enough for you this time? Plus I have already stated that my argument is a moral one and the realities of sword crime are insignificant

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...did I make that clear enough for you this time? Plus I have already stated that my argument is a moral one and the realities of sword crime are insignificant


Right. So me asking a valid question and saying nothing wrong to you provokes giant text calling me a fucktard does it? Did you not moan earlier because someone called you a retard?

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Do you not read our posts?

I did, but you have yet to address my point. My argument is based around the ethics of selling items that are designed to kill, whatever they are eventually used for. I'd like to see you defend the selling of swords from a moral standpoint please.


Right. So me asking a valid question and saying nothing wrong to you provokes giant text calling me a fucktard does it? Did you not moan earlier because someone called you a retard?

Intelligent debate was getting me nowhere so I thought I'd take to argument down to your level.

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So what recreational activities are swords used for (and what are the two most retarded posts ever?)?


Now if you had been reading the posts in this thread, and the very same link you posted, you would know the answer to that already. Also, you said you posted links, but I can only see one link you posted?

BlueStar does post some good evidence though, I was quite unaware of how much it goes on, but I still stand by the fact that I don't think they should be banned because of some irresponsible people.

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I did, but you have yet to address my point. My argument is based around the ethics of selling items that are designed to kill, whatever they are eventually used for. I'd like to see you defend the selling of swords from a moral standpoint please.

I did....I said that Bow & Arrows & Boomerangs are primarily weapons, that are sold, and designed to kill, and are eventually used for RECREATION (a topic you brough up)....We then named sword recreational activities.


My moral argument is that anything can be used as a weapon and, unlike guns, most people that own swords aren't poofy wankers that dont know how to fight with their fists and they aren't gonna go around hurting people...therefor, there is no reason to take away something people love.

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Interesting question. I'd like to say I don't have a problem with licensed gun ownership, because overall I don't. However, that would mean that guns are about and could end up in circulation, someone may be licensed to own their guns, then may get robbed and then theres guns on the streets. Maybe they end up falling into debt and decide to sell their guns on the black market to make some fast money, then theres guns on the market. Why am I more bothered about guns than swords? Smaller guns are a more feasible weapon, they're easier to conceal, they're more deadly(smaller, faster, more powerful, easier to use), I don't think it takes as much bottle to pull a trigger as it does to stick a sword in someone. Of course, if these scenarios did arise, it'd turn out this responsible gun licensed person wasn't so responsible after all. Guns however are already a big problem, swords are not.

I think it is silly to ban them because I don't think the amount of sword related crime is significant, though I fully understand some people's points in here, I'm not disputing you have valid reasons, I just don't agree with them as justfying it enough.

Criminalization of drugs? Another very interesting question. Even responsible people who take drugs can end up in all sorts of bother, especially if they're licensed gun owners! I agree with it because it is damaging to our health and society, were all drugs legal the country would be in a terrible state. Drugs have too many bad effects, and whilst I do sometimes wish cannabis was legal, I can understand why it isn't. I'm of two minds on the drugs debate, I can think of some reasons for, some against, and I'm just not sure sometimes.



I'd like to just mention, the guy who was in the link Fields originally posted, not only killed his girlfriend with a sword, but had previously stabbed a policeman with a screwdriver.

Just read through the links from BlueStar(thanks for those), I do find it interesting that out of 8, harm was inflicted with the sword in only 3. A crutch was used to actually hit a man, an axe to threaten(as the swords were mainly used), and in the majority of the cases nobody was actually hurt. Of course, the flipside is that these incidents may not have occured the same if these swords were not available, but I won't go so far as to say they wouldn't have happened at all.

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most people that own swords aren't poofy wankers


In my experience most people who own swords hang around at games workshop.


I was just interested in the guns/drugs debate because I think very similar arguments can apply in terms of personal responsibility.


I think the point about the screwdriver kind of back fires - Man stabs someone with an object not meant to stab and kill people with = Doesn't kill anyone. Man then chooses a sword, designed to stab and kill someone = succeeds in killing someone.

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When I love at a sword I see art. Apart from all of the recreational activities mentioned above, that is a valid reason for owning a sword in my opinion.


So Fields, do you think small, heavy statues should be banned? They have no purpose other than to look good, yet they could just as easily be used as a weapon.


Ok so there may have been a few sword related murders. But do you think that it was the sword that made those people become murderers? Do you think they wouldn't have comitted murder if they hadn't have had a sword?

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But do you think that it was the sword that made those people become murderers? Do you think they wouldn't have comitted murder if they hadn't have had a sword?


Again, this is the same argument used by the NRA in the US - Gun don't kill people, wappurs... Erm, I mean, people kill people.

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In my experience most people who own swords hang around at games workshop.


I was just interested in the guns/drugs debate because I think very similar arguments can apply in terms of personal responsibility.


I think the point about the screwdriver kind of back fires - Man stabs someone with an object not meant to stab and kill people with = Doesn't kill anyone. Man then chooses a sword, designed to stab and kill someone = succeeds in killing someone.


lol at the games workshop bit.

The screwdriver thing is a good point actually, but my point was this was due to the guy's mentality. Maybe he didn't intend to kill that policeman, but did intend to kill his girlfriend(he not only stabbed her with a sword, he then proceeded to get in his car and run her down). Who's to say the policeman wasn't wearing any sort of protection, forcing the guy to stab him somewhere less lethal? Of course again, with a sword I can imagine any intentional blow being fairly lethal.

I'd like to ask people here, if there was a sword in your household, or if you actually owned it, do you think you'd end up injuring someone with it intentionally? Yes? No? Why/Why not?

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I'd like to just mention, the guy who was in the link Fields originally posted, not only killed his girlfriend with a sword, but had previously stabbed a policeman with a screwdriver.

Just read through the links from BlueStar(thanks for those), I do find it interesting that out of 8, harm was inflicted with the sword in only 3. A crutch was used to actually hit a man, an axe to threaten(as the swords were mainly used), and in the majority of the cases nobody was actually hurt. Of course, the flipside is that these incidents may not have occured the same if these swords were not available, but I won't go so far as to say they wouldn't have happened at all.

And one involved a dustbin too:heh:


In my experience most people who own swords hang around at games workshop.

Yeah, but what I meant was that they're probably not gonna use their swords in violent attacks, plus they're collectors or whatever*...people with guns are (unless again, they're collectors with a licence).


*There was however one incident sword collector that murdered with one of his weapons I remember



And to do with gun legalisation, I think that argument is fought by the problems with guns (though gun crime is on the decrease).

I also don't think you should mix American culture and British culture...If you havent noticed, the US, where guns are legal, is the murder capital:heh:



I'd like to ask people here, if there was a sword in your household, or if you actually owned it, do you think you'd end up injuring someone with it intentionally? Yes? No? Why/Why not?

Yes; If I had to, to save my life or someone elses.

I might even kill a thief to be honest, I belive that someone should be allowed to protect their property (within reason, like, they'd have to be in my house and things), they deserve it in my opinion, and in a way is no diffrent from the Falklands War.




This shows swords shouldn't be banned...kinda

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Guest Stefkov

Boomerangs are as harmful as yo-yos.

Sure yo-yos were classed as weapons back in the day but how can peopel call boomerangs weapons? I had a plastic one once upon a time, it didnt even come back to me. If I wanted to hurt someone with it I would have had to shove it in their face it was that harmless.

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