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Dewy's Adventure


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This game just looks too damn cute. Konami aren't faffing around are they? The enviorment around looks particulary vibrant and the character itself is highly appealing. I can forsee this making a home in my collection. Also, level editor modes FTW.




Are talking about Dewey or Japanese RPGs now? :heh:


Thats the plot for dewey.


Why konami why?

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stop bitching these graphics do look good check out these screens for instance


They don't look good seen as the console is supposed to be 2-3 times the power of the gamecube. And the screens make it look like billy hatcher and that was one of the first games within a year of the GC coming out.

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They don't look good seen as the console is supposed to be 2-3 times the power of the gamecube. And the screens make it look like billy hatcher and that was one of the first games within a year of the GC coming out.


Dude, don't sepak about thinkg you don't know about.

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What they want is FMVs, blood and bewbs. Seriously, this place is turnign into retardsville.


Hey, it's down to opinion and I personally am not in the mood for a happy game with pretty graphics, but that doesn't mean I'm narrow minded. I see why people would like it.

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Listen thing is the gamecube is at least twice the power so I want, nay, I think anyone who is going to buy the system will have second thoughts. Its either all minigame compilations or seemingly bad titles only decent game on the system I have played was zelda. And if konami are happy with the graphics in the game, they seem to miss the part where they want to actually push the game system.


They could of created a game with a gritty real hero with new ways of playing. But they appeal to the kids.


Nintendo if you want mature games on your system, just refuse konami a license for their game.

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Hey, it's down to opinion and I personally am not in the mood for a happy game with pretty graphics, but that doesn't mean I'm narrow minded. I see why people would like it.



Listen thing is the gamecube is at least twice the power so I want, nay, I think anyone who is going to buy the system will have second thoughts. Its either all minigame compilations or seemingly bad titles only decent game on the system I have played was zelda. And if konami are happy with the graphics in the game, they seem to miss the part where they want to actually push the game system.


They could of created a game with a gritty real hero with new ways of playing. But they appeal to the kids.


Nintendo if you want mature games on your system, just refuse konami a license for their game.


Exactly how I feel. I see stuff like Lost Planet on the 360 and I love the style of it. I think it looks cool, the ads are great, then we get our exclusives... Dewey.


I know Konami and Capcom are different companies, but Konami could come up with something cool for us.

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They don't look good seen as the console is supposed to be 2-3 times the power of the gamecube. And the screens make it look like billy hatcher and that was one of the first games within a year of the GC coming out.


the screens were resized.it looks ten times better on ign


Before the wii was released people spoke of a time when nintendo home consoles would not be seen as a kiddie console. Yet as time wavers on its getting more and more likely that people will refer to it as a kids console.


nope i think the image has vanised somewhat.people my age love the idea of a realistic sports game.


You cant see me


This is spamming of the worst kind.John cena is a shit wrestler i hope th undertaker challeneges him and kills him..



anyway er back on topic


Exactly how I feel. I see stuff like Lost Planet on the 360 and I love the style of it. I think it looks cool, the ads are great, then we get our exclusives... Dewey.


I know Konami and Capcom are different companies, but Konami could come up with something cool for us.


i think this game would look cool.it should look similiar to monkey ball i feel which is a good thing.

it could be cool.Already look better than elebits.Konami aren't the best publisher ever for gods sake.They barely supported the gamecube so this and elebits at least is a an improvement. id bet a metal gear and castlevania will come too.and give the soccer dudes their pro evo(ds got it so its inevitable)

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the screens were resized.it looks ten times better on ign


I know the screens were resized it still looks extremly bad, look at a game like super mario galaxy, put this next to it, you can tell they are going half arsed on graphics.


If graphics weren't important I would play noughts and crosses on paper.


But they are for the entertainment mediums such as games.


Konami can not be arsed to put a bucket load of money into a fantastic wii title face it, thats why they want to produce these games aimed at kids.

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Konami can not be arsed to put a bucket load of money into a fantastic wii title face it, thats why they want to produce these games aimed at kids.


This has just as much detail as what you refer to as a "fantastic wii title", just in a different style.

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This has just as much detail as what you refer to as a "fantastic wii title", just in a different style.


Well you get $20 million dollars get a decent producer for the game, have an enthused art department with lots of talented artists. And have a game that gives at least 36 hours of single player gameplay.


Thats how you make an epic title by konami for the wii

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Well you get $20 million dollars get a decent producer for the game, have an enthused art department with lots of talented artists. And have a game that gives at least 36 hours of single player gameplay.


Thats how you make an epic title by konami for the wii


I'm not sure about the length of this particular game, but they have done that. Just because it isn't super realistic and full of blood and gore, doesn't mean the art sucks. This game is far more artistic than most of the games you probably play.


All you are doing is calling it crap because it doesn't suit your tastes, which is stupid.

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Looks quite good to me, although...it could be better, that can be said for an awful lot of Wii games though, but it seems you just have to put graphics behind you where the Wii is concerned. :)



Also it would be nice to have Eledees before banging on about another title, Konami. :indeed:

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