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MacOs X 10.5 Leopard


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We're expecting information on Leopard very soon, and I'm wondering what everyone would want with the system... I, for one, know that Apple will probably go with the new 'iTunes 7'-look with their interface. I think a major interface change needs to be done to keep on with Vista, wich, right now, has the looks over Tiger 'though that might be because I work with Tiger on a daily basis). I love what we've seen so far on Leopard and I'm wondering if any of you can hand any thing that Appel should include here and there?


Oh, and expect an announcement somewhere this month or the next - it won't be long before Jobs realises that the copy machines over at Redmond had already done their work and brought out the copy book with altered pages. Time to write new history, Steve...

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Everything I've seen on Apples website looks top notch. Interface looks nice in Tiger, but a few applications are different (iTunes is different to Safari, which is different to Mail), this is the main that I haven't heard anything on yet.


Maybe an 'Applications' folder being on the dock by default that acts as a sort of start menu. (I know you can add the applications folder to the dock but not everyone knows this.)

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Maybe an 'Applications' folder being on the dock by default that acts as a sort of start menu. (I know you can add the applications folder to the dock but not everyone knows this.)


How? I can't see how...


Leopard looks nice, I love spaces - can't wait for that!

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First off: if you want your applications folder in your dock, just drag it there. Hold down the button on it, or right click, and you've got a nice and handy-start menu.


The look is going the change, or so is said, because of the franticly new and undefined approac in iTunes 7. The differences between programs will stay, too. All the different applications seem to have different looks and Apple needs to sort out that.


Spaces is looking delivous, but just like when Microsoft prompted Windows XP's (multiple screen' as a new feature, this isn't new at all. Other computers did it for years. Macs can run two seperate screens for almost ten years now, and still everyone thinks Microsoft revolutionized.


Apple certainly needs to change the design if they want to remain leading the industry. And with design, I mean the graphic part of it. The metallic is old now and the plastic (wich I prefer) is an ancient piece of history. I don't really like the new iTunes look, but i'de love to get to know it in the entire system. Oh, and to throw in a random fact, the looks of the OS are meant to represent the looks of the computer. The Plastic was introduced with the plastic-looking iMacs (you know, the colored models) and the metallic represented the powerfull PowerBooks and PowerMacs. Nice touch.


And yes, let's prove those Vista-kissers wrong. They and Vista, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. You heard me, fakers!

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First off: if you want your applications folder in your dock, just drag it there. Hold down the button on it, or right click, and you've got a nice and handy-start menu.


The look is going the change, or so is said, because of the franticly new and undefined approac in iTunes 7. The differences between programs will stay, too. All the different applications seem to have different looks and Apple needs to sort out that.


Spaces is looking delivous, but just like when Microsoft prompted Windows XP's (multiple screen' as a new feature, this isn't new at all. Other computers did it for years. Macs can run two seperate screens for almost ten years now, and still everyone thinks Microsoft revolutionized.


Apple certainly needs to change the design if they want to remain leading the industry. And with design, I mean the graphic part of it. The metallic is old now and the plastic (wich I prefer) is an ancient piece of history. I don't really like the new iTunes look, but i'de love to get to know it in the entire system. Oh, and to throw in a random fact, the looks of the OS are meant to represent the looks of the computer. The Plastic was introduced with the plastic-looking iMacs (you know, the colored models) and the metallic represented the powerfull PowerBooks and PowerMacs. Nice touch.


And yes, let's prove those Vista-kissers wrong. They and Vista, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. You heard me, fakers!


i would give you a rep point for that post.

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I use one almost every single day, I have the choice between a Mac and PC everyday, Mac wins. :heh:


Same here, I use Windows for work 8 hours a day, and don't like it, and I also used it for 10 years. I've had a Mac about 5-6 months now and I love it.


I'm not a 'fanboy' I just simply like one thing more than the other.

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But I don't think any of you should just drop using one because you like the other one better. In the end it's more useful for you if you can use more than one OS efficiently. I'd like to get a mac but so far my budget won't allow one.


Apparently the next OSX will have the same drm- stuff that vista has. I'm not very happy about aacs as it just makes the home users life more difficult.

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How many of you guys have actually used a Windows OS in the last 5 years? :p


I've bein using it too, and I do'nt like it one bit. I don't want to return to Windows, because it feels so clunky and annoying. And with that 'leading the industry' comment, Apple has always bein the top of design and their OS is better than Windows, because it's innovative. Most of Vista's prompted new features (or XP's, that to be said) are already in Tiger - and they haven't released Leopard yet. Sadly enough, not many people enjoy the fun of touchign such a system. It's so simple and intuïtive.


Apple leads in many ways, yes. They lead the industry for innovation - but again, every underdog does. just like Nintendo leads innovation because they're the underdog. The underdog makes the best things because it can't afford to be bad. Windows, sadly enough, can, becausse there ainj't no concurrence.


I'm not a Mac-fanboy. I just prefer OS X over Windows because I used windows for years and after the switch everything goes smoother. And faster. I'm more productive on mac.

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