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River God


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River God is set in ancient Egypt and is a novel by Wilbur Smith. It follows the life of a slave, Taita, a physician and astromoner.


From Amazon.com


Taita, the brilliant eunuch slave who narrates the story, is an inspired creation. Larger than life while being, as a eunuch, somewhat removed from the passions that move many of the characters in the book, he is the perfect spectator/participant. He sees and understands everything and his inventions and interventions move the plot in unexpected ways. The book meanders a bit because it follows a whole life and its many turnings, but it is fascinating at every juncture.


Taita is owned by Lord Intef and primarily looks after his daughter, Lostris, but also plays a large role in the day to day running of Lord Intef's estate.


The Pharaoh of Egypt is without a male heir, and Taita inadvertently causes Pharaoh to take an interest in Lostris. Lostris meanwhile is in love with the soldier Tanus, who unbeknownst to her is hated by her father. Eventually Pharaoh marries Lostris and Intef gives Taita to her as a wedding gift.






This is possibly the best book I've ever read. There are 2 others in the series, The Seventh Scroll is set in the present day and follows the exploits of adventurer Nicholas Quentin-Harper and his love interest, the beautiful Dr. Simma as they try and uncover the tomb of Tanus as described in River God. Wilbur Smith makes references to himself in the book, parodying the conventions of violence and sex often seen in his work.


Warlock, a direct sequel to River God, this details the later life of Taita, no longer a slave but a powerful warlock. The story is about how the Egyptians and Hyksos finally manage to find peace together in Egypt but are thrown into a world of conspiricy, murder, treachery and the desperate attempt of a young king directed by the warlock "Taita" to regain the kingdom left for him by his father before he was murdered by one he held dear to himself...


And I've just found out now that a 4th book is being written and is due to be published March/April 2007.





Has anyone else read these books? If not I highly recommend reading them, you wont regret it!

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