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New Trailers


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Firstly great thread! That Jim Carey film looks great I love the Truman Show.


Secondaly if you like that film check out Pi and Requim for a dream they are by the director of the fountian. Hes a legend.


Saw Requiem for a Dream and absolutly loved it! I've downloaded the soundtrack and its awesome! As or Pi, sounds interesting. It always caught my eye in the video shop, I guess i'll just have to take it out now! Thanks for the recommendation!:grin:

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I want to see the New Will Smith film, i wouldnt usually be swayed to see a film of its nature but theres something about it that i just cant put my finger on. (probably subliminal messaging)


Its called "The Pursuit of Happyness" The music in the trailer will probably sell twice as many tickets.



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