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Kameo Official Thread


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After watching this video it has made my anticipation even higher. It is just so beautiful and looks so Zelda-ish. Its my 2nd most wanted game this year(after a game beginning with M and online) and by far the game that has convinced me to buy a 360. Check this video out!









Keep all the gossip for Kameo in here guys icon14.gif

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The game looks really great;


though one thing i would say i don't like about it; are the huge battle scenes with LOADS of people on screen.

It looks ALOT like the same character model/animation has just been copied and pasted all over the place and in a very organised and therefore un-natural way (e.g. the last scene with all armies on the path leading upwards and especially the scene with all the people on the stone bridge and you are firing water jets at them).

All the characters seem to be doing the same thing. Also, i would say there are too many in some of those scenes and it doesn't feel like a natural war.

It seems to me Rare has thought that HUGE numbers of people on screen at the same time, in HUGE battle scenes would really show off their skills and the skills of next-gen hardware; but it looks a little rubbish IMO!

Anyone agree??


Rest of the game; visuals, setting, characters etc... look great though

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The game looks really great;


though one thing i would say i don't like about it; are the huge battle scenes with LOADS of people on screen.

It looks ALOT like the same character model/animation has just been copied and pasted all over the place and in a very organised and therefore un-natural way (e.g. the last scene with all armies on the path leading upwards and especially the scene with all the people on the stone bridge and you are firing water jets at them).

All the characters seem to be doing the same thing. Also, i would say there are too many in some of those scenes and it doesn't feel like a natural war.

It seems to me Rare has thought that HUGE numbers of people on screen at the same time, in HUGE battle scenes would really show off their skills and the skills of next-gen hardware; but it looks a little rubbish IMO!

Anyone agree??


Rest of the game; visuals, setting, characters etc... look great though


I know what you mean mate, its like as in its more to show off the power of 360 rather than improve the gameplay, a bit like some early DS games that showed off what it can do with the touch screen. I think in some ways having loads of enemies on screen at once could be great, but I hope its not like that throughout the majority of the game, as it could turn into a bit hack n slashy and more repetitive than epic.

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It looks gorgeous even though it really seems that many characters are basicly the same (well if they really have battles with 2000+ characters it would be hard that everyone is different). Rare disappointed me with Perfect Dark Zero and so I hope this game will restore their reputation as a innovative and good developer.


I think right now there are still only 95% confirmed launch titles - so if everything goes wrong there are no games at launch.

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I know what you mean mate, its like as in its more to show off the power of 360 rather than improve the gameplay.
That's exactly it yeah;

and i agree with you that it could be great; but it does look like it is being used ALOT; and it looks abit wierd how you can so easily get rid of the badguys in these scenes, e.g. you just roll through them!


What would have been great would have been if the game had had a few smaller battles but been gearing up to one of these HUGE war scenes on a MASSIVE size, as a way of ending the game, so it was kinda unexpected and then when you did see it you'd have been amazed!!

(if they really have battles with 2000+ characters it would be hard that everyone is different).
That's true; but even if they'd used only 10 different character animation and applied them randomly throughout the battle, i'd imagine it would have worked; as it would have been hard to tell them apart. As is the case however, it does pretty much look as though everyone is doing pretty much the same thing!
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