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Ok then first things first thanks for looking at this thread well here is my wii story.


Went to the hmv launch event waited for hours the whole shebang got home updated the firmware. then the forcast channel comes so i update again then i was playing my wii last night messing with the photo channel then i turned it off.


Then about ten minutes later the blue light turns on cool an up date from nintendo! i think so i turm on the console i pass the health and saftey page then FREEZE!!!!!!!


It froze at the channel screen I was like...... so I pressed all the buttons on the wiimote seeing if that would work so I turned off the console and try putting it back on the same thing happens but on the 33rd time it works so I go to the shop channel (by this time the internet browser was ready to download) then a black screen appered so i left it for 5 minutes still black then i reset it go to the disc channel black screen too so then i tried the photo channel black screen as well.


So in a last ditch attempt I tried the setting screen and it just froze when I tried to change the page.


What should I do!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for reading!


PS sorry if the grammer is bad i just so angry man ive got a NES N64 GAMECUBE ALL THE GAMEBOYS AND NOT ONNCE HAVE THEY PLAYED UP BUT THE WII DIES IN 2 WEEKS!!!


Contact Nintendo and get a replacement Wii . . .


Sorry to hear about it, but it happens. if you've restarted it loads of times, tried different things theres not alot you can do really.


I presume that you meant 3rd time ;)


If it's not "resetting" itself properly after you plug in out from the mains (and leave it out for at least 30 seconds) then plug back in and switch on you'd better contact Nintendo UK.


Nintendo Service Centre

Codestorm House

Walton Road




Telephone: 0870 6060 247 (Calls are charged at the National Rate to the caller)



[email protected]


If you ever manage to get to the settings screen, try formatting system memory.. Might fix things. Though you will lose your saves.


But I suppose Nintendo service will fix things for you :heh:

(Though you will lose your saves either way, eh?)


Change the title... please don't use all caps and loads of exclaimation marks this isn't Gamefaqs :D


I've had this, or at least a problem once, when I downloaded the initial firmware updates.


I think the pointing device was at fault. There was no cursor and in this particulr screen I needed to click OK to continue back to the main Wii Channel Menu. For love nor money would my Wii recognise the Remote, tried several resyncs, power downs. I left the controller, inadvertantly pointing at the screen and left to make a tea. Hey presto, it worked.


nope still no luck getting it fixed ive tried to call nintendo but every time i hear "sorry the nintendo office is now closed please try again mon-fri 8.30-7.00"


it just makes me so sad!

If you ever manage to get to the settings screen, try formatting system memory.. Might fix things. Though you will lose your saves.


But I suppose Nintendo service will fix things for you :heh:

(Though you will lose your saves either way, eh?)


Just copy to SD then format.


Hey guys i sent my wii to nintendo after being on the phone for 50 minutes ah well


they say it will come in a week and they will "pritorosise it"


thanks for all the imput!

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