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COD3 problems


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Anybody else have Call of Duty 3

and more importantly anybody having problems with it?


I'm at the stage where I am about to rip my own face off with frustration.

I have the controls sorted. Set the sensitivity. Everything goes fine.

However, and it usually happens when a huge wave of Germans are on the field, my controls will lock up every couple of seconds, for a couple of seconds. Forcing my guy to charge blindly forward most probably into a MG nest.

Don't think its just the sensor reading the 'mote thats the problem anymore because the nunchuck locks up aswell.

Shame because I am enjoying this game and I can't seem to find out why its doing this.


I'm usually standing about 2 metres away from the sensor. I've synced everything, reconnected, set sensitivity in the wii menu and COD.

Wii sensitivity is at 3 right now so I can sit back on the couch without it cutting out like it used to do at 2.

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I had a similar problem but I never did figure out what it was, might have been the glass tv stand it was on. I moved the wii upstairs and had a similar problem but I found that that was caused by the wii mote getting confused between the sensor bar and my desk light, see if theirs anything that could confuse the wii mote. ps higher the sensitivity the more likely something could screw with it.

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Yeah I get that too sometimes...the controls will just seem to spaz out.

It started off at the start of mission 2 (I tjhink its mision 2" when you have to hide behind the tank at first and run across the field. They just seemed to go haywore...I've been lucky tho and only went round in circles..


Its a pain when it infrequntly happens - but I'd still recommened the game..


I find my questionable ability to throw grenades precisely the way they should be thrown more of a pain - but then thats my bad - not the Wii's

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