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Boris Johnson


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Does Boris know anything about anything?


One of my co-workers once said he'd like to strap Boris onto the front of a plane at Liverpool John Lennon Airport, wrapped in a copy of The Sun. (My co-worker is originally from Liverpool)


My advice is this - never take Boris Johnson seriously. He's nothing more than a figure of fun.

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To copy my comment on the front page article...


I know it's not much but some games have a lot of text, especially rts games.

I doubt Boris has even seen the Wii...


"They become like blinking lizards, motionless, absorbed, only the twitching of their hands showing they are still conscious. These machines teach them nothing. They stimulate no ratiocination, discovery or feat of memory."


What about The Legend of Zelda (and countless more games)? Where you solve puzzles with logic, discover hidden secrets and remember your way around dungeons and more.


If Boris Johnson actually tried playing a game - actually I wont carry on that sentence, knowing Boris he has tried one, got confused and therefore blasted it. I would love Nintendo to send him a DS with Brain Training!


I still love Boris anyway, he's a legend!

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I agree with Boris to some degree. I do believe that because of computer games my younger brother reads less and has less imagination. Now this is my personal opinion and I don't believe that video games cause violence but the more computer games you play the less skillful you will be at reading/writing or anything that you're not doing.

And before you say anything, yes I do play computer games and I would call myself a hardcore gamer but it's all about balancing life. Saying that you can learn reading and writing skills from games is an stupid view that gamers share because you are 'gamers' and don't like anyone saying anything bad about games. Sure there are some games where you solve puzzles but there are also a majority of games where you just shoot things and I'm not saying games should change but I'm saying they do distract people from doing other things which could be more benificial.

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Peeps, when you said he probably hasnt even seen the wii it made me realise how true it was. I bet he's just the sort of person who'd play some wii sports and love it, and realise he was completely rash in his condemnation of video games.


'oh! oh..er..well this is..er..actually..er..rather good!'

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