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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Excuse me? [The Ganondorf is] swiftly becoming the most annoying member on this forum.


I agree.


Ganondorf, Motion and I have had our disagreements but at least his posts are worth reading and arguments against the game on-topic. You're just chucking out whatever you can grasp onto in the heat of the argument like that Portugese remark, which was totally uncalled for.


If you can't argue ABOUT THE GAME maturely, then maybe you shouldn't be posting in here at all.

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The Portugese mark was uncalled for, but the homophobic one was worse. Can't see anyone commenting on that though.


I appreciate the fact that you say I talk sense The3rd


I agree, the homophobic one was uncalled for. And I know Portugal isn't between the tropics of Capricorn or Cancer, but surely its much warmer there than here?

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It's not like your points are invalid ones. Everyone has their own opinion afterall, and for the record I'm finding myself slowly coming around to agreeing with some of the stuff you say.


It was hard, but even I came round in the end. His points are good ones (well, better than ones from you and I at least) and I'm actually starting to see sense. Apologies for some remarks, they were from my girlfriend, not me.

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What about motion2000? He gets the wally member' award since he joined hasn't he? Anyway, I have loads of friends... Conzer, Solitanze (may he live forever in our hearts) Fierce Link, and Jordan to name but a few...


Considering he joined before you, I would say no. And I don't really have a problem with motion. To be honest, I haven't seen you make a useful comment on this forum since you joined. And the Solitanze comment may well confirm your status as his alias.


they were from my girlfriend, not me.


Made me laugh loads that did! It's like when someone mouths off to you on an Internet game or something then comes on and says 'omgz tht wsnt m3 1t ws mi bro sp3kng'

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So anyone caught a hylian loach?

And not a baby one that're everywhere.


Nice attempt to change the topic. ;) I've not been fishing properly yet, not had much chance to play it in ages. And now is not the best time considering my sister is on the sofa for about a week with tonselitus.


Lets not get suspicious. He was my best friend, and the greatest guy in the world. Motion and I have made up thank you very much, so I will not get into such a heated argument with him again.


He? Are you talking about motion or your 'girl'friend?

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Yeah, nothing rivales Zelda 1 in hardness other than Zelda2- class game, by the by.


I seriously think the mods need to consider deleting a few accounts and perhaps a few pages of this thread. What a complete and utter mess it has become.


I agree. It has become a mess. But me and Motion are mates, so they should stick to deleting pages. Now lets get onto th subject- your favourite dungeon, perhaps?

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I think the fortune teller is brilliant. Her hut/house/room is very nice visually and the idea of her telling you where heart pieces are is a nice touch.


Haven't caught the loach yet.


Apparently the theme inside her little hut is the Spirit Temple theme from Ocarina. After reading all those eastereggs that are floating around I'm surprised so many little touches were put into the game.


Should have spent the time on side quests and explaining certain holes in the story though, not decoring areas of the game with Nintendo nostalgia.

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O my God. Why don't we have a seperate thread to resolve those lovely fights on the forums? What is the average age on this forum? Five? Six? Not much more than that. Any remarks made at someone re strictly forbidden as far as I'm aware and it's not right to do so. If The_GANONDORF would just shut up and don't blow things out of proportions we could all be nice, loveling friends and discuss Zelda. Discuss Zelda, for god sake. Because, well, that's what it's about. Now I'm not asking for you guys to kiss, but, wait, I am. Keep it Smple Stupid! The KISS-principle. let's not fight. There is no Bush on this forum... My bloody God, for once agre with each other or respect each other's opinion and Shino, you shouldn't have started about 'quire'. I' not a mod, but I hope they notice this and take you guys out of class to have a hefty discussion in the principal's office. Then, shake hands and be friendly to each other. What you do outside of school: I couldn't care less, but don't fight in the schoolgarden, will you?

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