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Everything posted by 1UP

  1. becaue you got ripped off, and now their waiting again to rip you off. Fuck you lumines developer or M$ for the prices.
  2. I gott pro evo from HMV in london today. They were selling it for £37.95. I asked them why they were selling before the release date and they said it was because GAME started selling early.
  3. I have Pro Evo 6.
  4. Finally got Saints Row... SP is pretty good, lots of fun. Missions are much better than those crappy GTA missions (such as doing checkpoints, controllign remote control cars etc)... only is very ok, a full game always has lags, and doesn't really rrequire skill, 3v3 and 4v4 are the only good matches...
  5. fingerprints
  6. Splinter Cell MP demo up
  7. Ok first of all, I love GOW and I go the forums every day etc and I would say I know quite a lot about it, not trying to brag but w/e. Mark Rein said the game will be ATLEAST 12.5 hours on easy for a normal person, it could easily go up to 15 hours. Then theres co-op, which is EXACTLEY the same as the single player one. Plus when you finish Casual or Hardcore setting (any of them), you will unlock Insane mode. You're also forgetting this is a SHOOTER not an RPG, shooters aren't very long and I'd rather have a shorter, amazing experience than a long, 25 hours borring and repetative game. And you said you don't like companies which put MP infront of SP. Well this is DEFINATLEY not the case with Gears. CliffyB even said 70% is on SP, and 30% is on MP. This game is more SP oriented than MP. They even have the guy who wrote the Halo books writing the story for Gears. And you have PDZ, thats pretty damn short.
  8. Fear looks better? You definatley need glasses... And the guy has PES because hte is probably tessing it.
  9. Yes obviosuly, but what are the games?
  10. You know, converting to another religion/leaving islam is like the worst sin you can do. Haha, but your not muslim anymore so you don't believe it..
  11. http://www.bungie.net/images/news/inlineimages/halowars.jpg ^^HALO WARS PIC^^^ FOR XBOX 360
  12. OMFG ASSASINCS CREED IS AMAZING! Lol did u see the jokes "gears of war, novemeber 12th in USA, and nov 17th in europe, 5 days after, not 5 months (ps3 joke)" and "forza 2, 300 cars - ON DISK (gt4HD joke)"
  13. OMG BANJOE KAZOOIE!!! FORZA 2! HALO WARS! its an rts becasue people gto email 1 hr ebfore x06 and it says and its by ensemble studios which made age of empirres
  14. obviosuly thre's gonna be more enemies? Do you think they're gonnma show every single enemy in a demo of it? And no once can be 100% original...
  15. jade raymond ... SHES CUUTE!!!!
  16. Do you really think he'd spoil teh whole story? Here it is : "Your plane crashes into the sea, and you see a lighthouse, you swim there. Theres a lift in it. You go down. after 2 hours of going down you get to some underwater utopia city made fro the elite people to get away from the curruption and war in the world. When you get there its alll destoryed. You have to find out whats going on in the game and how to get out. This is very brief btw."
  17. Shame on you. It was amazing, THE WATER. how it reacts to the big monster guy, like look when his foot steps in the water, the water reacts perfectly. This games ATMOSPHERE is AMAZING.
  18. Saw Bioshock this morning, OMFG AMAZINGGGGGGGGG! ANd ubisoft wasn't hacked. They just left the link of their ftp public.
  19. When we get HD, we might see that the textures are still crap ....? The animations are EWWW. But lets hope they're placeholders. and LOL at the gif on neogaf of snake humping. haha
  20. Holy shit I'm getting DOAX2
  21. Yeah, it's a remake..
  23. Supposed legit pic of jackal from halo 3. Great textures and hair.
  24. Yes, ic an't really see why people are getting stoked about Lost Planet. nothign amazing ...
  25. 1UP

    Stuntman 2!

    There from the Playzone magaizne in germany which is a playstation magazine, but those pics are from the 360 versions. It was in the magazine because it was annoucned for PS3 and PS2
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