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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. Absolutely! Should have been doing it in the first place
  2. I was playing cricket on Saturday. In the first ten minutes of the game I managed to get hit in the face with the ball whilst wicket-keeping. I was standing up at the stumps (as I would usually do for the slower bowlers). The delivery was heading nicely towards my gloves, but unfortunately glanced off the batsman's pad and, in a split second, ended up smacking me in the face. The impact knocked my glasses off my face and I had blood streaming down the side of my nose from a cut caused by the bridge of my glasses. I had further cuts below my eyebrow and eyelid and immediate swelling - quite a mess! I was concussed, so quite rightly left the field of play (escorted off) and did not resume any playing activity. Decided it was wise to get checked out at the hospital (though, only did this on Monday). Should've done it on Saturday, but I didn't want any fuss (I guess I was still in shock and didn't really appreciate the potential severity of the injury). If I had gone on Saturday, they'd have probably done a CT scan. Anyway, other than being told that I did/still have concussion, the guy who assessed me, seems to think I have a fracture to my cheek bone (he sent me for a few X-rays). However, the second opinion, which he sought, said they couldn't see a fracture. I have to wait until Saturday as the guy who assessed me, is not back until then. He wasn't wholly convinced that there isn't a fracture, so he wants to see the outcome of the senior radiologist's report to determine whether there is indeed a fracture, or whether there is not. Will be an interesting few days. I've been incredibly lucky that my vision was unaffected. Could have been a whole lot worse! Lessons well and truly learnt... the hard way!
  3. Still not really sure why you singled out my post for "potential spoilers" when there's other posts on here that could be the same
  4. Likely to get it for Christmas
  5. I'm around today :P unlike yesterday haha!
  6. Yeah, you have to complete the "Sunrise" bounty from Zavala. So basically complete the Nightfall within the timelimit (and obtain gold tier medal) I think. Then hand in your bounty and hope RNGesus is your friend!
  7. Yeah, I'm up for that! Plus, I'm on a day off on Monday I also have my shiny new Ice Breaker
  8. 1646 hours across my 3 characters... oh shiiiiiit
  9. I can't tomorrow
  10. Well, I think it goes without saying that it could have gone better last night Anyway, when's everyone free to continue? I'm basically free this weekend and Monday.
  11. Cheers guys - full house for tomorrow night See you all at ~7:45pm : peace: @Eddage @Shorty @Zell @DriftKaiser @Map
  12. Can you do tomorrow instead?
  13. Wrath of the Machine, Wednesday 30th @7.45pm Vosik challenge 1. MilaGi 2. @Eddage 3. @Shorty 4. @Zell 5. @DriftKaiser 6. @Map
  14. I'll take the last place if @Sheikah can't make it
  15. I need boots with both my Hunter and Warlock to reach LL400. Will run through the lot with my hunter though
  16. Yes please Free all week except Saturday (1.30-4.30pm) and most/if not all of Sunday afternoon/evening
  17. I'm free Sunday afternoon (probs after 3pm) and Monday evening between 7-10pm
  18. @Sheikah Yeah I can do from 7:45 until about half 9pm. I'm happy to swap with @Map for when he comes online.
  19. I'm not likely to be available for the Raid tonight, especially not with a later start. I'll be around for IB for a while, but probably coming off ~9.30pm. Definitely available tomorrow evening, but if you're desperate to do it tonight then I'm happy to drop out.
  20. I'm not around tonight but free the rest of the week
  21. I'm available this evening for both (from around 4pm-ish). Not restricted by time since I'm not at work tomorrow. Would be cool to get Bolt Caster out the way before the Raid too if we have time
  22. @Shorty @Map When do you guys want to finish the bolt-caster quest? I still can't believe I don't have any exotic swords other than the new one
  23. Can't do tonight or tomorrow (although probs free from about 7:45pm), but free from Thurs-Mon.
  24. Yeah I can do it
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