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Everything posted by Smowza

  1. I wouldn't be too sure you will get an exchange fella, if it breaks after 30 days retailers send consoles for repair
  2. The micro did have a better screen and was a nice little thing but it still did rubbish cuz most people were happy with the're SP's, i'm sure that would be the case again with DS if it's another face-lift... lots of people have already said they are happy with their lites
  3. Bigger screens would make DS games look worse and adding camera and music playback would make the DS go really slow wouldn't it? if i play music on my DS it dosen't exactly like doing it. The GBA micro was a disaster, apple make new ipods all the time an no-one complains and as long as a 'DS2' had an original DS slot how could people complain? I'm crossing my fingers for a completely new DS.
  4. Smowza

    New Handle

    lol i didn't think of how that came out, i work in retail so loads of people annoy me therefore i say it a lot. To clarify, you do not annoy me : peace:
  5. Smowza

    New Handle

    How about........ Bathtime! -Joking (i've got a habbit of saying that to people who annoy me) Don't have a clue, gamertags are pretty hard to pick if you don't have a nickname. Bad Apple Just Rob outatime Stay Puft Fudd me Low Batteries Evil Shot Crowbar Porkins Dont shoot Prob all lame but thats all i can thik of in 5 mins
  6. That looks a little uncomfortable
  7. Who is it? 8/10 just for weirdness
  8. I never would have thought of using 'Clayface' in a sig, welldone old chap 8/10
  9. Loose? how about just change the d-pad shape?
  10. It is, if i remember right it's in the options when you press the guide button.think its personal settings then notifications.
  11. http://www.eurogamer.net/tv_video.php?playlist_id=13018 New co-op trailer looks pretty good to me, gotta love Kiefer sutherland too Quite an interesting interview about the game there too.
  12. It would have made a huge difference.
  13. Why couldn't nintendo show what they showed to cater for the more casual audience and also show some stuff for the core gamers? showing a few trailers doesn't add much time to a conference.
  14. They still have some points up, i just got myself some
  15. Smowza

    GTA IV

    Me 2 I'm not going to give in, must resist!
  16. Snes MK is all i want, i really was expecting it with the release of MK Wii
  17. Smowza

    GTA IV

    Didn't mean to offend m8, i've not played them on PC so i guess i should have excluded that : peace: Last one i played was GTA lib city stories, barely touched it (prob due to having a 360 and playing crackdown thou)
  18. Smowza

    GTA IV

    For me it's things that would be nice to figure/find out yourself when you play it. Little things like what you've been mentioning.. but thats prob just me taking the spoiler thing too far. I've not really read what you've said just so i don't ruin some things so it's no real biggie Spoilers as a rule would be plot/storyline revealing etc.
  19. Smowza

    GTA IV

    So is there a rule about spoilers in this thread yet? I don't want anything to spoil this game lol, sorry dude. You can see them in my sig anyways
  20. Smowza

    GTA IV

    no mate, i'm a manager at argos. It only says out of stock becuase it's not been released yet. When the system for the website is updated for tuesday (prob around midnight) it will say you can reserve for store pickup. If you go to a store say tomorrow you could reserve one right there (like i did with Wii fit).
  21. Smowza

    GTA IV

    Previous GTA's were good in the day but i can't really play them now.. framerate is crap etc. If you go to a shop like Argos i'd say your pretty much sure to get a copy.. you can reserve it at a store now if you go in or reserve it at a store via online from around midnight monday. Can't wait for this game I looks almost as much fun as playing with my womans boobies
  22. Smowza

    GTA IV

    I've not read it, i take it they love it?
  23. Smowza

    GTA IV

    Thats why i reckon mine really has been dispatched, they gaurantee it to be with me on tuesday so sending it monday could be too late as i haven't paid for next day
  24. Smowza

    GTA IV

    I take it your trying to make me jealous.......... you've succeeded
  25. Smowza

    GTA IV

    On gameplay next day delivery is £4.99, and first class was 99p which is obviously not sure to be next day otherwise why would they have an option for next day. On Game.co.uk (same company as gameplay isn't it?) first class is free. So that would mean my copy might as well be from Game with free delivery therefore not being sent out on monday and has a chance of getting to me on monday. Am i right??
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