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Everything posted by Edjamakated

  1. The thing is, I'm not talking about story. Film's will always dominate story lines because that is all they focus on. Instead, what I am saying is the games will be more popular with people than film. Games will take over as the number one way to use up your free time. When people go out, more often than not they will go play games and not watch a movie. Again, this is a ways away but there are already signs that this is true. In the UK from 9/08 to 9/09 more money was spent on video games. That maybe because they are more expensive, but the difference was over 500 million pounds. That is considerable. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/6852383/Video-games-bigger-than-film.html Again, I am not talking story wise. I am merely talking about experiences. People will always watch the next big film in IMAXVRHD5D or wait for it to watch it at home, but they will play games much more often than they watch film.
  2. The point I'm getting at is simply this....In the future, more people will say "I can't wait to play ____" more than "I can't wait to see ___" Jonnas, your argument was refuted by the Wii. Many people were able to understand Wii Sports in an instant. That understanding will only grow shorter and shorter. The more innovations there are, the more transparency there will be.
  3. What are your most memorable memories? Where you doing something or watching something? What did you enjoy doing more as a child? Watching cartoons or playing with your friends? Which one would you rather do? Watch a documentary on a country or visit that country? Which one would you rather do? Watch porn or have sex? Passive vs. Interactive. Something you experience vs. an experience you make.
  4. Passive Entertainment is a Story. Interactive Entertainment is the Holodeck. Which one do you think will be more popular? We are not there yet people. That is why I said "Destined".
  5. I think you guys are misunderstanding me. Films will persist. I thought my music metaphor was adequate in describing why. My point is the Game Industry will be more popular than film universally. People will prefer to enjoy a game rather than enjoy a Film more often than not. Again, Film's are almost guaranteed to have better stories simply because of what the medium is. But I digress....Whoever said I was ignorant when saying that there will be no innovations because I can't imagine it isn't getting my point. It's all about Passive vs. Interactive. As time moves on, innovations will help interactive more than passivity. Maybe it was wrong to say one will stop, but there is no arguing my last point. Simply look at the last decade. The Film industry's greatest achievement are CGI, motion capture, and IMAX 3D. While the Game Industry's is CGI, motion capture, HD, motion controllers, microphones, cameras, online, voice chat, touchscreens and 3D. So once again, innovations are more inclined to help interactivity vs. passivity. It is because of that point that people will prefer them. And thus game's will topple film's in money, in time spent, in prefer-ability.
  6. I haven't posted here in a loooooooong time. It's good to be back! So I was thinking about writing some huge long article filled with past and theoretical examples, anecdotes, and charts, but I actually think this debate is pretty straight forward. Why? Because it hinges on one thing: Innovation. The Film Industry is destined to meet a point where innovation will cease to exist. Despite how we may watch Film, there's no denying that it will always be a form of passive entertainment. Smell-o-vision, taste-o-vision, feel-o-vision, holograms, the highest fidelity sound and video, CGI actors that past the uncanny valley, a system where emotions and images are piped into our brains; these are all passive forms of entertainment and there will be a point where we reach the limit of passive entertainment. No amount of new technology will make it exceedingly better. Now let me put a disclaimer and say that I am not talking about communications, but simply a story that we passively take part in. There is no denying that innovation will be harder and harder to come by as time goes on. At some point in the distant future, we will reach a moment where it will be as good as it gets or at least, come to a crawl. Still, these Films will in fact be amazing. They will be unlike anything you can imagine, but a story can only be told so well. To pivot, the Game Industry provides interactive entertainment. And it is because of this interactivity that it is destined to continue innovating for as long as the human race will live. The way we interact with the world, with computers, with others will always change and progress. There will never be a point where we stop at a level of interaction. Things will always get more precise, more robust, and more advanced in what we can control. It is because of innovation that the Game Industry will topple the Film Industry and provide the more awe-inspiring moments we attribute to film today. There is no uncertainty about it. People will forever love film. The passive nature of it will always fit a part of our lives. This is similar to how the value of listening to music will never diminish because we play it. But if Film's destiny is to have emotions, scenes and images transferred directly to our brains, then Game's destiny is dreaming; actively interacting with and changing a world all your own. Games are going to provide the more visceral experiences in the future. They may not be the best medium or account for the greatest stories ever told, but the experiences they do garner will be more memorable, more tangible and simply put, more addicting than any other. There WILL be a point where games will feel like dreams and nightmares and nothing will beat that.
  7. only an hour now! hyPE HYPE HYPE HYPE
  8. Ya, but that idea could really work on it's own. There wouldn't be a need for Ganon.
  9. That shouldn't be Zelda, but that should be something.
  10. Oh snap...I didn't recognize the title. Well, I'm sorry. It was bumped up at another site and I figured I let you guys join the discussion.
  11. Naw, I haven't posted it here. Do you frequent NintendoWorldReport.com?
  12. Yes. Yes it does. /end thread So where to start? How about at the core. For every Zelda game that came out after LTTP, the same formula has been applied. Link must travel to many different dungeons (water, fire, etc), gain an item, then use that item throughout the level and then eventually kill the boss with said item. It is because of this redundancy that Zelda hasn't felt fresh in a long time. The games themselves are beautifully crafted, but there are hardly any surprises. What I propose is that Zelda stray away from the "collect 8 pieces of the artifact" to something more sincere, something more worthy, something more random. It is because we know the formula so well that it doesn't matter how interesting these new dungeons are, they all feel the same. It feels like a different version of the same game. Lately, Zelda games have put more and more emphasis on side quests, quests between the quest. IMO, this is where the adventure portion of the game comes in. This is where random comes in. And generally, all the quests have been great. This is the reason why MM is my favorite Zelda. But still, sooner or later, no matter how much you delay, you still have to go to a dungeon in order to progress through the game. Now I applaud Miyamoto for his courage. He knows that Zelda has become too redundant and that's why he said TP will be the last of its kind. And I really think he's thinking what I'm thinking (well maybe not exactly). He's thinking that adventure isn't ordained. You don't tell someone where to go and what to do and call it an adventure. That's similar to telling someone to go to the store and buy some juice. That's an errand. An adventure is the unknown. An adventure is possibilities. And in order for Zelda to have the unknown, it needs to be changed from the ground up. Now imagine starting the game and finding yourself abandoned out in the middle of the woods. It's dark and your hurt, but what is that? You hear something and it sounds like singing. As you draw nearer, the singing gets louder. Louder and louder still, until you see it. It's a cave; a Great Fairy spring in all it's glory. You have no items, no sense of direction, and no memory to speak of; she gladly takes pity on you and heals your wounds. But her kindness comes with a price. She entrusts you with something, something very precious. A creature; it looks like a mole but it's so tiny and furry, and it looks like it's hurt. But wait, what is this? It's faintly glowing, but it seems to be getting weaker. The Fairy tells you that she cannot heal this creature here, and that you must take it to whence it came. Conveniently, she has no idea where it came from, but knows that it cannot be allowed to die. So you are turned away, helpless. You exit the cave, riddled with questions. Then BAM! Goblins and there's a lot of them. You don't have anything to defend yourself with and they're getting closer! Closer and closer they come with their incessant laughter and disgusting slobber. Backed up against the wall, it looks like your done for. But just as they are about to come down on you, the creature sneezes and the land around you suddenly pops out into a hill, sending those goons flying. Then you realize....WTF is this thing? It sneezes once more and a path is formed. It's trying to lead you somewhere. So you follow. You find that the path leads to a mountain. It's treacherous, but you still manage to follow the path and climb its summit. There you notice the creature is looking a lot brighter and healthier. It sneezes again and creates a giant hole deep into the mountain. You fall for what seems like forever. And screaming your longs out, you finally black out. When you come to, you see the creature running around joyfully. This is the creature's home and you brought him back safely. It notices you are awake and scurries over. What? What's it saying? It looks like it wants to reward you. It starts doing this hilarious little dance; back and forth and back and forth. You don't understand it until you see it turn into pure light. Like electricity, a bolt of energy strikes you and starts pouring power into you, but somethings wrong. There is so much pain. With light coming out of your eyes, ears and mouth, you scream in agony. And then, it's over. On all fours, you catch your breath and even spew out a mouthful of blood. You look around for the creature and find him lying on his side, with his glow slowly pulsating fainter and fainter until nothing. The mountain starts to crumble all around you. Your going to die unless you figure something out. But the only way out is the way you came in. That's when the game prompts you to stand where the light shines in and tells you how to use your new found power. So you execute the move and a hill forms up under you launching you higher and higher. Your not going to make it. The hole is getting smaller and smaller. Your never going to make. That's when the game prompts you to use another one of your abilities and force the hole open. In a tremendous blast, the top of the mountain is turned into specks of dust. You've set yourself free but only to land in comical fashion right on your face and pass out. You wake up to a beautiful girl tending to your needs. Shes was worried you'd never awaken. She tells you her name and asks yours (game prompt)..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry that was so long, but I felt it necessary (and kinda fun). But you can see the setup of this game and how it can be much different than in the past. There could be many of those special creatures with many different powers. They could be huge beasts while others tiny little bugs. There doesn't have to be a predetermined limit. But best of all, they don't have to be locked away in some Temple either. Also, the powers they grant you can make for some interesting puzzles. The way you find these creatures could be by listening to crazy town folk talk about "legends" and taking the hints and setting out to look for them. And you can even be given a choice, to capture them by using their weakness and doing them harm, or by helping them. These creatures can also have personalities themselves. For instance, you find a giant dragon perched atop a cliff. She warns you that she has done away with the others that tried to capture her, and if you don't leave now, she will kill you. You end up fighting her but during the struggle she runs the risk of dieing, so you save her life. In gratitude, she grants you the power to tame her young (giving you the ability to fly!). The story could allow for many unique possibilities. Such as Ganondorf is searching high and low for these creatures (the one you helped barely escaped his grasp) and he will stop at nothing to find them; not after he knows their true power. The more he captures and the more powerful he becomes, but something noticeable starts to happen. The world becomes more dull, the animals more angry and the sky more dark. But the same thing happens as you find creatures and use there power. Your a detriment to the world, just like Ganon. The further you advance, the more you step on each others toes. And as you both obtain more and more power, the laws of the world finally become unhinged when you face each other; providing an epic setting for a climax. That is just a simple idea. The point I am trying to make is that Zelda will receive a great push in the right direction with the Wiimote and Motion+, but to truly feel completely new, it'll need to shed its now archaic structure and employ something more flexible, something more random. The problem with Temples and Dungeons is that you know where they are and you know generally the challenges you face. With a system similar to mine, you have no idea where to go and have no idea what you will face; and that is what exploration is all about. The unknown. Thanks for reading!
  13. I actually think the reason for not having a multiplayer is because of a different reason. It could be a Third Person Shooter. Or even a Third Person Adventure.
  14. Look, as a black person, I feel as if people have pushed me into group "Obama" simply because of that. That is not how I made my decision, though. I wasn't instantly on his side; no, he had to prove to me that he deserves my support. It's the same, I'm sure, for many other black people around the country.
  15. A black man has become president of the most powerful country in the world.: peace: What do you UK folks think about it and do you think he'll have a positive effect on the US's relationship with the world?
  16. I think Zelda needs to change like this song changed the original meelody. http://www.supload.com/listen?s=C9BQL7 It didn't. Instead it added to it something more progressive that new users can easily identify while keeping the core as complex as ever. Still, the end product is fresh and enjoyable to old and new alike. /solicit I know, I know, I shouldn't solicit my work but I started this thread so cut me some slack.
  17. I made a new song. It's a remix of the Great Fairy Fountain melody from OOT. Anyway, tell me what you think! http://www.supload.com/listen?s=C9BQL7
  18. You're pitiful.
  19. I understand what your saying and I am like you. I would love there to be multiple solutions to the same puzzle, but I'm not talking about puzzles. I think that's where our discrepancy lies. I am talking about barriers in exploration; as in, needing a boat to travel to another continent. Now the puzzle to receive the boat may have multiple solutions (money, blackmail, trading, favors, etc), but the fact remains that you still need to get that boat. There may also be multiple solutions to traveling to that other continent (dragon, whale, hot air balloon, etc.), but that still requires you to have at least done something in order to progress. Other than that, I think it would be really cool to be able to defeat creatures that you happen to find without the need for the specific item that makes them easier to manage. That way people can just roam about looking for these creatures and deal with them in any order and in any fashion they like. All I'm really saying is, in OOT you had to get a red tunic that withstood heat in order to enter the volcano. There should be more of that in the next game and less of "here is an item; its useful in this temple, but useless everywhere else." That's it. I want to find myself looking for solutions to problems that are hampering my exploration.
  20. New more fanbase driven IP's please. Wii-suffix's are great and all, but I'd really like someone over there to pull a Pikmin and great something fantastic. I'd also like Pikmin as well!
  21. I'm not so sure. Yes it is a little cliche, but that's not the point. I don't care if it's animals or roaming giants, the point is, you seek them out and conquer them. Just like you mentioned in your item paragraph, if you don't have the proper item, conquering a creature would be much harder to do. I see how needing certain powers or items to advance to new areas can lead to linearity, but on the other hand, without barriers, how can you know you need that item? For instance, I used a Dragon as an example to get the ability to fly. It just so happens you saw a village across a huge gorge earlier in the game. Now you can get there! But I agree with you about the NPC's. They need more personality, and one that changes. For instance, I really would like the NPC's to convey the current state of the world. I want them to be scared of the impending doom. Oh and one more thing. Get rid of Rupee chests. I hate that shit! In fact, get rid of any chests that aren't an item or a heart.
  22. You don't think TS4 will sell gangbusters on the Wii? Cuz I beg to differ. They could even pull a Capcom and release a 1-3 collection tailored for the Wii to get everyone acclimated and hyped for TS4. I'd buy it. You'd buy it too.
  23. Miyamoto said it himself, for one. Look, I don't think it's going to be anything drastic. Still, a change is going to be made somewhere and since TP will be the "last of its kind" that leads me to believe its going to be something more than just the story or landscape.
  24. Uh tenner? Ten hours? Who is they? What are you talking about?
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