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Everything posted by mummy

  1. Intelimouse optical is the greatest mouse ever. Hard to find
  2. Very surprised to see an android appreciation thread on a forum dedicated to computer games.
  3. IdeaPad U300e
  4. Hello all and welcome to my wall of fame

  5. They bought skype instead ! Not as many gaming aquisitions but rather lots of added toys to make their console nice to develop on and central to the living room. I bet their next move will be to strenthen themselved in the PC gaming. Buying steam would be a wise move.
  6. 1) Windwaker 2)Burnout 1 & 2 3)ISS 2 (not 3!) 4)Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 5)Pikmin 1 & 2 6)Twilight Princess 7)Luigi's Mansion 8)Mario Sunshine 9)Eternal Darkness 10)Star Wars: Clone wars
  7. I think the word "roundabout" is rather funny too.
  8. I particularly like that a love for nintendo is notthe reason most people come here yet they still do.
  9. Hi, I'm a long time lurker and enjoy reading this board. I was wondering if you could answer my question. Thanks in advance.
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