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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. People may have asked for individual things (i.e. better graphics, good battery life etc) but I haven't seen one comment on this board where a forum member has asked for ALL of the following things in one post: -Amazing battery life -Portable tablet -More powerful than PS4 -Standard online features -Cheap People may ask for one or more of these things but everyone has a different wish list. The users of this board are unique and as such all have their own requirements. If someone genuinely wants all of those things in one package then quite frankly they need to get their head screwed on.
  2. No one on this forum has asked for that... Good online and voice chat are a must though. I grew up playing multiplayer titles with my friends and I've always seen video games as a social experience. Being able to talk to my friends is a must; if Xbox LIVE let me do it a decade ago, I'm sure Nintendo can somehow figure out a way to make it happen.
  3. Am I reading too much into the fact that both Mario and Zelda accessories are being made...
  4. Keep in mind that the main component is the X1 chip which we know is a couple of years old already. I'm sure Nvidia would have been keen to give Nintendo a good deal on those chips given that they missed out on the PS4/XBO contracts. The initial leak that suggested Nintendo had partnered with Nvidia also said that Nvidia were selling these to Nintendo at a loss so £199 may well be possible. As you state, the weak pound would be the thing stopping £199 from happening.
  5. It's also worth remembering that the Wii's launched price was $249 (adjusted for inflation that's $299 in today's money) and at £180 (about £220 with inflation) so I think we can expect a competitive price. Ignoring specs, I do think the key for Nintendo doing well is competitively priced hardware. As long as your getting bang for your buck, they'll do well.
  6. If they got a good deal on the GPU, as the rumours suggested, then £199 is possible (at a profit) when you consider that there is no hard drive or disc drive. I'm going for £229-249 though, and am willing to shell out around £299 in total (hoping for at least Mario/Zelda and Melee VC).
  7. @Serebii, there have been rumours going around recently that there may be another warriors game in development. Do you think a Pokémon Warriors game could work?
  8. "10 units to be given away each day" God damn, that's awesome. Yeah it really does feel like the return of Spaceworld. The amount of coverage Nintendo will get will be huge, especially straight after CES.
  9. This is the worst example of bait I've ever seen. I mean, you move the goalposts in a conversation that you instigated and then claim someone else did it. Good lord, Joe. That's as bad as saying that a £199 launch price would leave Nintendo bankrupt. Oh wait...
  10. I expect the Switch to get decent 3rd party support. It appeals strongly to Japanese developers, it's the only handheld device on the market and production costs will be much cheaper than on other consoles. A lot of those mid tier franchises could find a home.
  11. You absolutely will in terms of game design, especially if you're Nintendo who never had the big jump in power in the mid-2000's. If you think games like Prime, Galaxy, Wind Waker, NSMB U etc were the best those franchises could ever get in terms of scope and ambition, you're wrong. Haven't you been keeping up with the new Zelda footage? That thing goes far beyond what was capable on older tech, so much so that it struggles to run well on Wii U, the same console it was originally built for. And we know for a fact that the Switch will be more powerful than Wii U.
  12. I don't think anyone prefers to play bad games that are pretty over great games, that would just be silly. Truthfully, Nintendo have had their game design limited over the last decade due to not having hardware powerful enough to fulfil their ambitions (this also coincided with their brief of making games more simple). The fact that Zelda runs so poorly on Wii U says it all really. Whilst I don't care for PS4-esque power, I want to see their franchises make the jump that they did from NES -> SNES -> N64 and of course Gamecube. More power means less limitations, although I do agree that playing top trumps is basically pointless. I can't wait to see what the next big jump for Mario and Metroid could be. I also think Splatoon has massive potential - hopefully the sequel delivers. Also, I agree with your points regarding price. £250 sounds competitive although I do think they may release a SKU at £199.
  13. If the Switch is region free, I'll just be importing
  14. Has anyone pre-ordered their console yet? I've heard GAME are accepting pre-orders and I want to be sure that I'll be playing on a Switch day one.
  15. Where did he say that he wanted Nintendo to make a "Generic space fps"....? Aren't Nintendo capable of having their own style and being unique? Splatoon is the perfect example of a game in a genre that Nintendo don't have much expertise in doing superbly as they can make it different. Before it was announced, we used to have the same conversations on this very board about Nintendo not being diverse enough and the same couple of people would CONSTANTLY play the "But why should they make a shooter" card. Now the game is loved by all, including those same people. Hilarious. Games like Rocket League, Overwatch and Splatoon have been MASSIVE success stories over the past 12-18 months and they all have the same thing in common; they are quirky takes in existing genres. Why can't Nintendo do the same in other areas of their library? Funnily enough, each of those games could be described as Nintendo-like, yet only one is actually available on a Nintendo system. I'd bet my house on Overwatch and RL performing well on Switch.
  16. Draw a venn diagram of Nintendo's audience and of Mass Effect's audience. Given how little the overlap is, is it worth investing that much staff time and cost into a Switch port? Absolutely not.
  17. Not just Crash Course; I loved the Mario Chase and Zelda minigames too. I could see them working well on Switch.
  18. They also have all of the existing assets in HD as well as a physics engine. A 2D platformer can be produced by a much smaller team too as it's less work intensive, so it's feasible that they could release such a game within 12-18 months of another title.
  19. They've advertised over 20 jobs on their LinkedIn over the last 18 months so they've clearly expanded a fair bit. A lot would depend how far along each project is; as Retro mentioned they could have a game out for late 2017 and then focus on a new game for the following year (with the groundwork having already been done).
  20. According to Gameblog, who have a pretty good record when it comes to leaks, Retro are working on a new IP as well as new Metroid and Donkey Kong games.
  21. Thankfully I think that's a placeholder and probably for the more premium SKU. Somewhere around £199-229 would be a great entry level model, especially if they want it to take off.
  22. GAME and Smyths, at least here in Nottingham, have been advertising it for March as a launch title for the past 3-4 weeks so it wouldn't surprise me if we end up playing it sooner rather than later.
  23. They are just doing their jobs. It's not like they are breaking the law; they are journalists. It's like complaining about football transfer rumours It's definitely taken away some of the surprise factor but that's what happens when you launch a console in March and don't reveal anything substantial until January. The real issue here is why are so many Nintendo employees leaking info to the media this time round? I don't recall it ever being this severe. Correct me if I'm wrong but with the 3DS and Wii U it was pretty quiet, although this was perhaps because there wasn't much to leak. Disgruntled employees? I hope not.
  24. I'd like to think that your website does well because it provides superb Pokemon content, not vague predictions and information like "from what I know, people won't be disappointed" Moving on, I find the prospect of the Mario Kart development team having more one less platform to work on quite exciting. I do wonder what it means for them in terms of software output; could we see them work on a game like Diddy Kong Racing or maybe even release a mode 7 style racing game like Super Mario Kart?
  25. Your record is on par with Pachter. I would rather trust my horoscope
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