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  1. I think your right, they have it on hold till the one year anniversary, but still it's really bad planning/marketing especially with it getting close to xmas! They should of built the new site offline and only took the old one down today/yesterday to publish the new one ready for tomorrow... But then again this is NoE we are talking about lol
  2. It's getting silly now i mean just how long does a multi billion dollar company need to set up a website? lol
  3. who cares it's the age of the interent! One way or another people WILL get to play the game in the UK no matter what the out dated BBFC say. They can't exactly stop everyone importing the game can they??
  4. just completed it can't believe what she did with that tear what a waste lol Great game really enjoyed it but i wish there would of been a scene where you had to rush in as the wolf and save your friends/villagers, then change back to normal so they know that its you as the wolf.
  5. dude happy birthday (slightly late i know :P)
  6. have added everyone that i can from the list on page one upto eenuh. However Fierce_LiNk your pm box is full and Twilight_Link, RevoJack, davidredge and ndreamer all give me errors Will check out and add the rest tomorrow
  7. my wii number is 3142 3605 2430 4309 Please add me as i suck at making mii's I have managed to make one that looks nothing like me lol
  8. sorry for the shocking picture but its the best i can do at the moment with my eye toy and the drunken state i am in lol. My wii is next to my cube and xbox.
  9. gamestation in birmingham had 400 in, 80 there for people who never pre ordered. I didn't know about it but it all worked out in the end my local ASDA had 20 in and i was number 17 I got there at 8 o'clock to put my name down then headed to the tv section and watched it for 4 hours lol
  10. good luck getting amazon to send it you on time, the last game i pre ordered from them (a whole month and a half!) before it was released still didn't get dispatched till the release date even though i paid for top delivery. Amazon don't care about getting items to their customers by release date, hope you have better luck then me anyway
  11. Asked in asda today and they haven't even got a clue if there going to be getting an Wii's in for the 8th yet
  12. i am just going to hit the asda near me at midnight, got work on the friday so i wont be playing it till friday night
  13. ha good luck i emailed nintendo over a problem with the star codes over a month ago and they still haven't got back to me yet!
  14. my money is on them letting you use your stars to buy games for the VC....
  15. talking of tales i know its not out on the gamecube but i have been playing tales of legendia on my ps2 and i love it! I didn't even no about the tales series till i played symphonia so i guess i got a lot of catching up to do
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