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About Link

  • Birthday 10/20/1984

Personal Information

  • Location
    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    Sports and nintendo and obviously my beautiful girlfriend!
  • Occupation
    Work at a gym


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    Are you kidding?
  • Favourite Game?
    Ocarina of Time, RE4
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. don`t know if anyone posted this, but here are some screen shots...i`m VERY disappointed!!!! http://www.rewiredmind.com/news/080506/screenstonyhawksdownhilljamwii
  2. Nintendo Vision......NVision
  3. Rare's glory days ended when all their best developers left and created Free Radical.....I now have more repect for free radical than Rare....
  4. Check out this article. The developers say that REV will be MUCH more powerful that the cube and what people expect. Also, read all the comments made by Randy Pitchford from gearbox (brothers in arms)....sounds like gearbox is gonna show a lot of love for the rev... http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3145949&did=1
  5. CES is in January
  6. why are u being an ass?
  7. I'll get the white one!
  8. RevoGaming has heard from sources inside the development community that IBM has finalised the Broadway processor and is showing it to developers. Details inside. The details come from two different sources inside the development community. One source revealed the information to RevoGaming around three weeks ago, whilst the other revealed it to us a few days ago. We were waiting for a word from another development insider before we would report it. Apparently, the "Broadway" processor is finished, and IBM has shown plans and a prototype to Nintendo. After some discussion, it has been shown to select developers. One source said that the processor was a dual-core one, whilst the other would not reveal any technical information. Both sources would not talk about ATi's "Hollywood" graphics chip or any other internal Revolution components. The names of the sources cannot be revealed at their request, nor the developers they work at. There is no official word from Nintendo, so this should still be classified as a rumour. RevoGaming will keep you updated. http://www.revogaming.net/html/modules/news/article.php?storyid=145
  9. You are such a fanboy...it's not even funny. Best launch of all time? Most of the games at launch were ports....The exclusives got pretty bad reviews. Check out IGN. I really don't think you know what you're talking about. I think this is what the original poster meant. Some people are such fanboys that they are blinded when it comes to the shortcomings of microsoft....Have fun paying more money for the same game with slightly better graphics...great fun!!!!!
  10. Three of my friends got one at launch and two of them can't even play their games. The stupid thing keeps overheating and shuting down. Needless to say they aren't too happy. What a waste of money.......
  11. Link


  12. Resident Evil 4 had a lot of funny moments. My favorite was during the opening sequence when the church bells go off and all the villagers run away and Leon says: "Where'd everybody go....Bingo?" He's by far the coolest video game character!
  13. Here's mine: Windwaker Resident Evil4 Luigi's mansion Supermario Sunshine Starfox Assault Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Starfox Adventures Mariokart DD Batallion Wars Pikmin Pikmin 2 Legend of Zelda collector's edition Metriod Prime Metriod Prime 2 Medal of Honor:Rising Sun Resident Evil Rogue Squadron OOT MASTER QUEST Timesplitters future perfect Eternal darkness Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
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