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About Cat

  • Birthday 09/26/1981

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  • Location
    Genk, Belgium
  • Interests
    special make up effects, games, movies


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    gbc, famicom gba sp, nes, snes, n64, gamecube
  • Favourite Game?
    Metroid prime, Pikmin, Wind waker
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  1. i'm just sad there's no zelda movie at all.. i want one
  2. I hope for the boyfriends sake their meat stick doesn't actually get chewed and eaten.. i would if it was a matter of survival ^^' Babyback riiiibs
  3. if a woman hits, you can hit her back, that's my policy
  4. They don't look angry, they look like a sneezefest (if were there..)
  5. A cat's not a dog... duurr Cat's are very grateful animals actually, but i suppose if you don't have any or don't like them you'll never know :p I do like dogs, but i'm allergic to them so i'll rarely pet one unless i can wash my hands immediatly. So i'll never own one. Cats all the way :awesome: Haha
  6. Where's the fun in not argueing ;p I don't condone (spelling?) violence, but all is fair in self defense! When you're pushed or beaten one too many times i don't see anything wrong with fighting back.. big difference from what bullies do. Offcourse now that i have the balls to fight back, i don't get bullied anymore.. it's like the bullies smell who's afraid!
  7. Now that's just plain stoopid I do eat meat cause i realy like it, but i do feel guilty sometimes. I suppose if i had to hunt for my own meat i'd be a vegitarian, i couldn't kill an animal myself. But it's so nicely packaged it looks like a product, not like a living being.. makes it easier. I do think man can eat meat if he chooses so, but the way animals are caged and mistreated in every possible way, that's just inhumane i don't approve of that. My brother has been a vegitarian for over 15 years, even he had doubts last year, thinking i've been an vegitarian for 15 years and i've accomplished nothing. Animals are still being killed, meat is still thrown out in the supermarket at the end of the day.
  8. i was bullied for a looong time, now people don't get the chance cause i suppose i learned my lessons. Anyway, i'm not a violent person but i have nothing against self defense. Don't fight violence with violence? sometimes you have to, it's usually the only language these neanderthals speak! Maybe if bullies are bullied for a while they realise how horrible it is Karma took care of most of my bullies though :awesome:
  9. Cat

    Doctor Who

    i like dr who for the fx, millenium fx rules i got to play with an ood's tentacles and eyes while i was down there for a week ^^
  10. maybe that's why we don't kill people irl, we shoot aliens and kill monsters every day, our anger is released onto the controller instead of the world
  11. hell yes, perfect 'singin in the shower before i go out music' ^^
  12. yeah :awesome:
  13. funniest one yet! and understandable too :p
  14. god that's awful! People have no morals these days, no empathy, no guilt. Hope the victim will be allright
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