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Everything posted by Yvonne

  1. remove vote
  2. LOL that deserves a citizen kane clap
  3. moogle, expand out the death message. He was mafia, the town part was a mod joke
  4. once again: the mechanics of my shadow power it will block ONE power. ANY power. After the first power, the others get through. I am told if a power is blocked. On N1 I was told that my shadow absorbed one attack, and also that two attacks got through. So, thief powers do not necessarily get through to me.
  5. hmm... might be worth taking the time today for a recap. I'd also say we should do a full claim, all targets, all roles and powers. Anyone object to this?
  6. vote drahkon I made you invisible, I didn't realise it would interfere with your power, I thought it would just prevent interference. Irony!
  7. the self punch continues unabated
  8. This will be a very interesting flip!
  9. this changes everything!
  10. odd, I am also lordesequiel...
  11. yeah but my shadow only absorbs one attack, and I think last night only ReZ targeted me, wheras on the first night three people did, so two got through
  12. I got an update pm saying my shadow absorbed an attack. So I guess what you tried to do didn't work ReZ?
  13. ouch! I got no PM back tonight so I assume nothing happened. Vote DuD
  14. Mine was first vote and last vote. Would you prefer if I said initiated? Either way not worried at all about bring lynched only nked
  15. http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=BBB%27s_Gambit
  16. I would have had nothing to gain by arguing strongly against an inactivity lynch. The best move, to slip by unnoticed, would actually be to lay down a vote and say little. Which at least one mafia member very likely has already done. Townies look for truth, but if they ignore the possibility of doubt, they're getting tunnel visioned. As it happens there is open contradiction going on. If he is town, we should go for Moogle. Moogle, are you claiming tracker?
  17. sounds good! vote Jimbob You're not claiming tracker are you Moogle? Is your butt injured? I'm the instigator for the lynch and the hammer vote...so if he's mafia, I expect only that I will be killed by mafia, not that I will be questioned by town.
  18. Something I'll say about tonight's actions - be prepared to have real reasons for your actions. There's so much information going around that we will soon deduce who everybody is, and be able to work out what they did/do. If townies just behave logically then we'll take the win easily. To be honest the optimal way to win this game is just everyone does a full reveal and we kill from the washiest up, or anyone who doesn't show up in the writeup.
  19. remove vote I buy it tbh.
  20. We should give Jimbob a chance to post before we lynch. I will remove vote if he gives a character reveal. If he gives nothing, we should lynch him today.
  21. Ah yes! Good conclusions. OK so I'm feeling you're town at this stage
  22. Oh yeah I'll say this now before someone finds out - I can't be tracked ah sorry @Sheikah I read this: And got confused. So correction: someone got absorbed by my shadow, then the thief and someone else got through
  23. I used it on myself. Yours failed because of that - then the subsequent two attacks - thievery, something else - got through.
  24. you got a vote @Dedede @Jimbob zero posts in game so far
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