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killer kirby

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About killer kirby

  • Birthday 11/28/1989


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  1. Maybe I'm one of the few that enjoys this games presentation and how I don't really care for a main story but more I can't wait to see what troubles are lurking in this new town. This game is pretty much buying like getting a show like Mushishi and enjoying each episode (Island) and then get excited once cured on how the town has gone. Then starting all over again. /shrug It's prob the reason why it's my fav game to date is because it takes story telling in a completely different way that well, no other JRPG does.
  2. Up to 10 hours so far the game is exactly as I remember it back in the PS1 era, with of course better graphics and all. One of the little details to the game I'm really enjoying is being on the main island and seeing more and more islands from the distant. Kinda want to finish the game so I can replay it just to see everything bare again.
  3. Nothing to really talk about really and I spent a lot of time into FFXIV, and no one really talks about the game here to /shrug. But since a good Dragon Quest game has finally made it's way to the west I thought I better pop in and say hi. That's kind of the core of the game, it's more about learning to love the world and people in it, there is a main story, but you'll understand how it's connected in due time. But it's for that reason alone I love this game so much, it's not just a typical game of going to town to town and forgetting where you just were. You spend a bit of time helping and growing with the people in each town. It's the biggest adventure game I've ever played of a JRPG.
  4. Games all right.
  5. Any game that has anything to do with Kamiya I want.
  6. Sold/Traded: N/A Discs: Nintendo Land Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition Zombie U New Super Mario Bros U eShop: N/A VC: Balloon Fight To buy list (* = definite purchase): Dragon Quest X* Wii Fit U* Game & Wario* Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate* Bayonetta 2* Pikmin 3* Aliens: Colonial Marines* LEGO City: Undercover* The Cave* Monolith game* Retro Studio's game* Wonderful 101* Ninja Gaiden*
  7. What do ya mean? It's my favorite sonic, it was the one game that showed what Sonic was truly all about, all the others are crap IMO, whenever I'm working in a game store from time to time, I get asked by parents what's the best sonic, I say right away Sonic 06. Because that's how much of a great person I am.
  8. Maybe this time they can finish the game.
  9. Seeing this for the first time, that feel that you knew it was gonna happen sooner or later.
  10. With my interest in gaming discussion down the drain, I'll be dwelling in the online area's now, so I will be on...a lot with this game, I too, like H-O-T got the week off
  11. With Pokemon being the main talk at the moment, I think it's a good idea to put this up.
  12. You mean eight, with that mind set, every Mario game since Mario Bros came out are bog standard, Mario 3 and Super Mario World are also terrible design since you go from left to right.
  13. This game is perfect for you!
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