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Iced Cooly

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About Iced Cooly

  • Birthday 06/16/1987

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  1. She is a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Get Right is such a great song!
  2. This is some brilliant logic displayed by your mate! I think it would be better to bring it up with him, no point telling him after the marriage, months/years of pain and then a messy divorce that yep, you thought it was a bad idea at the time.
  3. I have had encounters with HLC but I managed to get the materials sent back really easily and cancelling was straight forward too, to my surprise. Don't think I have ever received one of the phonecalls, I just get the standard lottery win/bank account transfer emails.
  4. Haha how come? I hope his dogs are still getting on all right! Oh and King_V, I shall take my previous alias to the grave!
  5. It is a great quote, but did Voltaire ever actually say this!
  6. Yea I think that sounds about right actually!
  7. Unless they are lurking under different names or I just haven't spotted them since I signed up, a lot of old members seem to be missing - the aforementioned Bowser57 and rokhed, ford_prefect and his mental moderating ways, FEF/Allyn, pdhq64, Kigan (that guy was pure gold in IRC), kopo and the other belgian guy whose name escapes me, offerman...and a few more I am forgetting!
  8. I think it all depends on how you actually say the words - if you deadpan it and then stare at her like a child killer then yes, she will probably be put off. You can practically say anything to a girl if you do it with a smile.
  9. Women are incredibly simple creatures who are easily distracted by shiny things, fast things and loud things. If you are lucky to have one of each then you get to have the pick of the lineup. If not, a silver Clio covers all bases and will most likely bag you a girl who is willing to go to third base with you in a time measured in hours, possibly minutes if you are lucky.
  10. Talk, talk and then have a little break and talk. Seriously, you suggest sexy underwear, find some with tags on and then immediately become suspicious? Maybe she hasn't got the confidence to wear them yet. The money could be anything - you never know, she might be saving up for a special date for the both of you as has been suggested in the thread. I am in a very similar situation as yourself and me and my gf had a talk last week about where things have gone wrong recently, and it has really helped refocus our relationship.
  11. Try finding a copy of Clayfighter 63 1/3: Sculptor's Edition. It is an awful, awful game however.
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