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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Underrated: Donkey Kong jungle beat. not enough people talk about this and I’m guessing it didn’t sell well which is a real shame because its one of the gamecubes best games (even if its really short). Phantasy star online 3 CARD is also underrated. Most people probably dismissed it when they saw it as a “card game†although its got more in common with Advance wars then say YU-GI-OH! or something. And everyone should play Pikmin 2. Overrated: Metroid prime 2, I like Metroid prime 1 a lot, but the sequel is just really dull (imo)
  2. Hahaha,,Oh man thats excellent
  3. I'll be getting PSU reguardless of it getting a Revolution release or not because I played Ep1 & 2 so much. BTW, On Thursday night Sonic team opened to PSU Beta testing thing so some people are playing the game right now, if anyones interested you can watch some videos people have posted at http://youtube.com/results?search=phantasy+star+universe&search_type=search_videos&search=Search
  4. There where rumours about a Phantasy star game (not an Phantasy star online game although with the DS's WiFi its not impossible) coming out for the DS. It started because there was an interview with a couple of members of Sonic team that hinted towards it. If I can find it I'll post it. As far as PSU goes, I really hope the rev gets the game, its not as if it can't handle it since the game is coming out on the PS2.. Also if it does I hope they let all versions of the game (Ps2,PC,Xbox 360) play together online (like FinalFantasy XI)
  5. The "souped up xbox" tag isnt going to die now. I hope this sint true tbh and I think anyone who is saying specs don't matter is being a tad naive.
  6. Not being able to download Blast corps = A shame from Satan’s anus.
  7. Try and play Burai Fighter if you can (its a shoot 'em up).
  8. It was pretty cool to see someone talking about the Revolution on the TV with a little depth. The website for the show has the peice only its written rather then just letting you watch a clip, they talk about the Rev at the end of Page 3: http://gadgetshow.five.tv/jsp/5gsmain.jsp?lnk=401&section=Features&show=s4e9&featureid=118&description=It's%20all%20in%20the%20Interface
  9. Review scores from issue 2 if anyone’s interested: Gamecube Reviews: Chronicles of Narnia: 70% Namco Museum 50th Aniversary: 26% Fifa street 2: 39% (wow looks like us Gamecube owners are spoiled for choice this month) DS Reviews: Animal crossing: 95% Top spin 2: 74% Resident Evil DS: 79% Rainbow Island Revolution: 27% Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: 81% Bust’a move DS: 72% Previews of: 6 page preview Metroid Prime Hunters Trauma centre Tetris DS New super Mario bros Super monkey ball adventure Metroid pinball Tamagotchi connection Lost magic 3 Features, An interview with the makers of Killer 7, a guide to getting online with the DS and a look at the DS lite. The Monkey ball coasters are pretty pointless, their just bits of shiny card.
  10. I havnt had one of these for about 5 years but I found one today:
  11. Heres the Chef returns episodes at Youtube: *Not here though!* The episode has been devided up. Its acutally a little sad to see Cheif be killed off and is it just me that found the death scene a little disturbing? (in a funny way)
  12. lol I was thinking just the same. I mean...Powerstone 1 AND 2...its very tempting. IGN have a small preview up now with a couple of screenshots. It will suport wireless multiplayer for 4 player mode and you only need one copy of the game for that.
  13. Looks like Capcom are re-releasing the two powerstone games together for PSP: http://www.gaming-age.com/cgi-bin/previews/preview.pl?sys=psp&game=powerstonecollection
  14. Mario on ice! http://www.youtube.com/w/Mario-on-Ice!?v=5dABajN4N3o&search=Bowser Not sure whats up with Peachs eyes...or the whole video for that matter, but god I miss the 80's lol This is a video from a show in America called the daily show. They do a mock re-enacting of the Dick cheney shooting incident...but with Duck hunt. I can't stop laughing at it. And this is a kid playing one of those games that tried to scare you. I fell sorry for him at the end.
  15. I hate the look of it. It reminds me of when NOM tried to go for a ‘mature’ look a few years back and all issues where plain white and had a soulless boring feel to it, which is the total opposite of what Nintendo is about. Why do people think a bit of colour = immature? All that said the new team making the mag sounds excellent so I'm sure the content will be good.
  16. I read around a bit, apprently playing Blue burst online itself with dial up is no problem and no worse then on the gamecube or Dreamcast (which always seemed fine to me) however when you first download the game it will probably will take awhile because its 500megs.
  17. I used to play the Gamecube and Dreamcast versions quite a lot. PSO for the gamecube is fine for dial up and there’s no problem playing with people who are using broadband or anything like that. The game has four more levels then the Dreamcast versions and more weapons more online quests and some downloadable game demos if you have a GBA and GBA link cable. The only problem is that the amount of people online are very low (being that the games been out on the NGC for nearly 4 years now). However you only need 4 people for a game and I know a lot people still play the game regularly so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go online still. You could always get PSO Blue burst for PC which is the latest version released so the online population shouldn’t be too bad there.
  18. I was almost certain they would release a gamecube version while the cube was alive, what with Smash brothers being so popular and the similar game play. I hope Capcom make some sort of sequel in the future.
  19. Powerstone 2 was one of my favourite games on the Dreamcast, my friends and I used to play it for hours. I always wanted them to release it on the gamecube with some extras. I loved the whole way you unlocked weapons and items by “making†them yourself. I still remember the day I made a moped, I practically jump out my chair in excitement
  20. It should be ok to post this since the site streams the music not download.http://gh.ffshrine.org/soundtracks/view-all Its...its almost every video games soundtrack EVER! On top if that theres a lot of obscure and rares tracks like arranged albums and such. I think the Super mario arranged album is awesome. F-zero arranged album is worth a listen too.
  21. Fucking hell Maiky-NiSuTe I really feel for you, I really hope everything works out and the police catch the guys who did this.
  22. The Tony hawks games: A friend always buys the new one every year and I always attempt to have a go, and…and I can see it’s a good game, I can appreciate how it can be fun and everything but I can’t play it for the life of me. Another game is Golden sun for the GBA. I’ve started twice over and both times, although when I first start I end up playing for a few hours, I never feel bothered to go back…even though everyone says its great and everything. Also: Metroid prime: marmite of gaming?
  23. I used to play any of the snow levels on Donkey kong Country on Christmas and end up playng the whole game through till the end. I usually start a playing Shenmue around Christmas time aswell.
  24. E3wannabe if you do want to try out Phantasy star still you could get PSO Blue burst for the PC. Its the same game as the gamecube version only with 4 new stages added to the original 8. It was only released this year so I'd guess that the servers will still have quite a few people on them. If I remember right you can download the game by paying for it online. Theres a 14 day free trial too. Heres the link: http://www.psoblueburst.com/en/index.html
  25. I corrupted as well thanks to that stupid double save thing when you entered a game. I was at level 147. However I did come back and got to level 200 in March last year. Maybe I know some of you guys … I used a Orange Racast called EGO-BOT.
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