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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. I literally did that in the same post that you quoted me from! I've said multiple times that I'm an info-gatherer, so logic dictates that hmm maybe I got information on ReZ? It's not exactly relevant and he's lynched anyway so I can say whatever bullshit I like if I were so inclined - a point I'm making so you don't have to, seeing as you're hellbent on finding me dodgy based on your expert analysis of a single post while ignoring every other post I've made. The specific information I found on ReZourceman is that he has chronic insomnia that can only be cured by soothing flute music. It wasn't particularly useful information. That still won't be enough for you no doubt. I have information that can be confirmed but I refuse to reveal it because it would put a target on that player's head. You could argue that it's a convenient excuse but in reality it's bloody annoying not to reveal it. I'm not going to endanger that person's life for the sake of removing a single vote. Of course the downside for me is that all I can do is say 'I knew that' if said person decides to tell us his own power.
  2. Yeah but it gets annoying when you're apparently a suspicious character but not enough for people to actually lay votes down. So I just get roleblocked every night and I can't move on. Surely if I were mafia someone would've found something on me by now? I'm sure you can appreciate how annoying it is for an info gatherer to be roleblocked every night. I feel like I've already said all I can but it keeps happening to me.
  3. Rummy, my reveal wasn't in just one post it was over the course of the game - though I did post more about myself in the last day phase I believe. Your suspicion of me is based on one post where I asked ReZ if anything had befouled him in the night - which I have since explained was just to prove I don't do anything sinister in the night. You seem to think that means myself and ReZ are on a team. Firstly if we were on a team, I would want to distance myself from him as much as possible, secondly why would I ask him a question like that if we're both mafia? It would just be drawing attention to us for no reason and I would already know the answer. I'm annoyed at having to explain myself again and I don't feel like it'll make any difference anyway as your suspicion is completely baseless so I have nothing to argue against, ergo I probably won't sway your opinion as it's just your own intuition. I am an aviator, I have invented a flying machine which is nearly complete. I am on the lookout for parts and investors so from each of my targets I can gain a tidbit of information. If you want to endander the lives of two townies, I can reveal their roles to you as further proof. You're just one vote at the end of the day and I'm not posting all this just to sway you but rather to highlight once again my innocence so people can stop bloody roleblocking me. Having said that, I find it strange that you're willing to go as far as to vote for me when you've said yourself you have zero evidence of anything and it's just based on a hunch. No matter what I do in this game people are apparently going to call me out for being mafia. I don't know why I'm even bothering.
  4. I am not mafia. that's for mr cynical up there :p
  5. I've given a full reveal and you still find me suspicious because of one post I made with a question for ReZ? This is ridiculous. I was even the second person to vote for him! I've somehow been branded as a suspicious person for no damn reason and it's getting to me now. I've been roleblocked the last four nights (last night I was attacked by some kind of animal beast) and I've seriously lost the will to play now. If anyone cares I'd suggest hunting down the last person to roleblock me (assuming it's Animal?) as this has come after I've fully revealed myself and have proven to be an info gatherer. Don't expect anything else from me this phase.
  6. I love seeing people say they're watching it for the first time and just days later they've fully caught up
  7. I'd like to see a general comedy one, like who your favourite stand-ups are - if any. What inspires/inspired you into doing comedy etc etc :p After the masturbation one obviously. ps. great vid I love you
  8. Jim misunderstood what his teacher meant by a make-up exam.
  9. I started my team from scratch when I joined Xpert so it'll be a while before I can break into the top 100 probably :p
  10. It's based solely on official leagues so it depends how well you're doing there Tales :p Congrats Nikos
  11. It depends on the character/flavour of the situation. Sometimes it'll be a conversation, sometimes I'll just overhear something and sometimes I just go to their room or something :p
  12. Wii U.... it's only Mario 3D World and I don't know if I'll get it. I'd say Watch Dogs too but I'll be getting that on PS4 most likely. Oh hang on, is Wind Waker this year? That too if so. 3DS.... Link between worlds and Pokémon. Nintendo really aren't doing it for me these days, not just with their own games (the only issue being there aren't enough of them) but with their complete lack of decent 3rd party support.
  13. Ah good, the phase isn't over yet. In response to @Diageo upon reflection my PM does not explicitly say I physically reached ReZourceman so I guess seeing as I didn't find him in person, there was nothing for you to protect against and nothing to stop myself.
  14. Confusion alleviated! I'll give the benefit of the doubt and guess there's another pub nearby that does it then :p
  15. I do not understand why so many people come in to the pub where I work and seem to think we do cash back. As far as I know only Asda do cash back, maybe some other supermarkets do it though? A woman came in today and bought a couple of drinks and wanted to pay on card and we have a rule where you can only spend £5 minimum if you're paying by card. So she said "I'll just have £10 cashback too then" as if it was just matter-of-fact that we did it I have to tell people at least 10 times a week that we don't offer cashback and I can't even be patronising about it Are there pubs out there that do cashback?
  16. Those 24hr news channels seem to have their 'breaking news' stories on for a few days at a time. In my mind, breaking news is something that's just come in and is being reported straight away and it stops being breaking news after the initial report. The point of it being 'breaking news' is that it breaks up the regular schedule, no?
  17. Or this one: I targeted ReZourceman on night 2 without any problems whatsoever.
  18. Roleblocked again. Town, I'd rather be lynched than roleblocked every night... Mafia, I'd rather be killed than roleblocked every night. You mean since one person posted it as a theory and it was backed up by nothing? I do not have my own agenda. I am looking for investors and the like, and as such I overhear things or see things etc gaining information. I know Sprout's power which is why I know when he has and hasn't sent targets. I do not wish to elaborate further, it's already enough for everyone else to work out what he does. The only reason I've said this much is because I've been roleblocked twice now so obviously people are having problems trusting me. Since night one I've had a pretty good idea who our alignment cop is, unfortunately I can't prove anything without outing him so that's kind of a non-starter. If I was mafia, he would obviously have been killed by now but as I can't say who it is, there's no proof I know anything which sucks for me but it still won't make me out them (that'd be stupid). I got to ReZourceman perfectly fine on night 2 so I can only assume Diageo doesn't block out everyone or he's simply lying. I don't trust him and I had my vote on him all of the last phase. As for my roleblock, someone was laughing hysterically and I was getting slapped and beaten by someone.
  19. I'll probably aim for around 11am or whenever people are turning up :p
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