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Everything posted by Blade

  1. I have just traded some of my stars for some points and used them to purchase SMW. I instantly regret it as I am finding it completely unplayable using the GC pad!:mad: I can't find a way to configure the button layout so I reckon a classic pad is the way forward. Does anyone know where I can buy one on the cheap?
  2. I'm sure in the manual it says 3 days, I could be lying though!
  3. Just made my first trades on the Global Trade thing. I managed to get a Tepig for a Lilligant and also a Snivy for a Pansage. Not bad I thought. Now shall I place them both in my team or keep Vicinti and Lilligant?
  4. Im glad I don't pay for your electricity bill!
  5. I got this game a couple of weeks ago. Prime is one of my fave games ever I reckon. I never played MP2 nor the 3rd installment. Although I do not know when I will find the time to play it though, seeing that I work full time and just got a 3DS.
  6. For people who like their carbs it is always better to have the wholemeal versions if possible. For example wholemeal bread is better than white and wholemeal pasta is better than the normal stuff and so on. I have an intense gym routine with a bit of boxing where I can. I do the gym routine in cycles. Because it is approaching summer i'm about to switch from my bulking phase to a cutting stage so I will be doing at least 4 cardio sessions and 2/3 weights sessions. When I switch back to buliking (October) I will be doing 5 weights and 1 cardio session. With food, it is important not to make yourself hungry, just make sure your diet is high in protein and ensure you have a carb rich meal staight after work out.
  7. I think this is correct. I would always check Serebii though, just in case. Flameboy- I have added you!
  8. I am the eldest with: 1 Brother; 1 Sister; 1 half-sister; 2 half-brothers; 1 step-brother; and 1 step-sister. So quite a few!
  9. Hi i'm new to the boards and I have just purchased a 3DS. My friend code is 5455-9377-8534, although I have not gotten any 3DS games yet. I do get paid from work on Thursday so will probably get one then.
  10. Cheers mate!

  11. I have just got this game! Ive not played a Pokemon title since Crystal and this is equally as good! I have just reached the 3rd big city (I have forgotten its name). My friend code is 2795-0397-0124 and I have the white version I'm new to the boards so hello everyone :-)
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